Fresno / Stockton Events

Everyone Counts: Your 2020 Census Response Matters

Your response can help shape your future. Responding to the 2020 Census is easy, safe, and important. Your 2020 Census Response Matters The time is now. Communities across the U.S. are responding to the 2020 Census. If you have not yet responded, you can respond online in one of 13 languages and find assistance in many more. Respond Now You may …

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National Asian Chamber To Host Briefing For Asian and Pacific Islander-owned Small Businesses On Coronavirus-related Federal Relief Programs

WHAT: News media and community briefing on the latest federal programs and initiatives available to the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) small business community impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The briefing will also include the unveiling of a new website offering information, news, resources and support services for small businesses. WHEN: Monday, April 6, 2020, 1 p.m./EDT. WHERE: …

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Phải làm gì nếu bạn nhiễm bệnh do vi rút corona 2019 (COVID-19)

Nếu bạn mắc bệnh COVID-19 hoặc nghi ngờ bạn bị nhiễm vi-rút gây ra COVID-19, hãy làm theo các bước dưới đây để giúp ngăn ngừa bệnh lây lan sang mọi người trong nhà và cộng đồng của bạn. Loading… Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab Download [26.43 KB]

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Что делать в случае заболевания коронавирусом 2019 (COVID-19)

Если вы заболели COVID-19 или подозреваете, что заражены вирусом, вызывающим COVID-19, следуйте приведенной ниже инструкции, чтобы предотвратить распространение этого заболевания среди членов вашей семьи и сообщества. Loading… Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab Download [26.43 KB]

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如果您感染了 冠状病毒疾病 2019 (COVID-19) 该怎么办

如果您患有 COVID-19 或怀疑您感染了引起 COVID-19 的病毒,请遵循以下步骤,以帮助防止疾病传播给 您的家人和社区中的其他人。 Loading… Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab Download [26.43 KB]

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New Bay Area Public Health Recommendation to Cover the Face

Cloth face coverings, when combined with physical distancing and hand washing, may prevent transmission of coronavirus to others when leaving the house for essential activities. Medical masks should be preserved for health care workers and first responders REDWOOD CITY, Calif. – Bay Area health officials are recommending residents cover their nose and mouth with cloth when leaving home for essential …

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California Public Health Officials Release Guidance on Use of Cloth Face Coverings

Social distancing and hand washing are still best actions Californians can take to fight COVID-19 SACRAMENTO – California’s public health officials today released guidance on the use of cloth face coverings to protect against COVID-19 for Californians who must leave their homes to conduct essential activities. The guidance does not require people to wear face coverings – and is not …

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1.       今天是一個非常重要的日子:人口普查日!美國人口普查局使用4月1日這個日子來作準則,查看美國人民的常居住址中的人口數據。當中包括居住在該住址的每個人,即使他們不是你的親友,或每個小孩和在4月1日晚上11時59分前出生的嬰兒、以及暫時在你家中居住的海外親友、因學校宿舍或校外住宿暫時關閉前來暫居的大學生也必須計算在內。這一點非常重要,因為這些數據將會用來作指引,影響我們社區未來10年的決策! 2. 以一個簡單直接的方法來說:立即填妥2020年人口普查!雖然許多社區正處於關閉狀態,但我們強烈建議大家在網上或透過郵寄方式回覆2020年人口普查問卷調查。每個人都可以自行填寫普查問卷,無須與普查人員會面。謹記檢查您的信箱,有否收到人口普查局寄出的邀請函,該信件裡有一個專屬於收件人的人口普查ID,讓大家可簡易快捷地在網上作出回覆。 3. 讓我們一起參與!為了現時的緊急時勢,為了未來作好準備,精準的人口普查數據至關重要:人口普查的結果有助醫院、診所、緊急情況應變準備,甚至就學校的午餐計畫作出規劃以及分配資金,當中包括: 需要醫院和診所的地方。在醫療和緊急情況下提供亞洲語言的資源和翻譯服務。為醫院和醫療診所的建築工程提供整筆撥款。o支援低收入人士的醫療補助計劃(Medicaid),和65歲及以上人士的聯邦醫療保險 B部分(Medicare Part B)承保。母嬰健康服務,當中包括兒童健康保險計劃(CHIP)。詳細制訂分配應急物資的地方,以及安置弱勢社群的地點。透過中小型企業管理局為中小型企業的僱主提供協助。

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PG&E Residential Customers Will Receive State-Mandated Climate Credit Reducing April Bills

Helps Residential Customers Under Stay-at-Home Orders Who May Be Using more Energy to Receive Lower BillsUp to $63 Credit to Benefit Residential Customers during Covid-19 Pandemic SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — Pacific Gas and Electric Company residential customers will receive the California Climate Credit on their bills during the April billing cycle. The credit totals $62.91 for PG&E residential customers receiving …

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