Fresno / Stockton Events

Parents on the Front Lines of the COVID-19 Crisis Speak up for Better Child Care

California Senator Holly Mitchell kicked off Parent Voices’ Stand for Children Live to raise awareness of the urgent need for affordable and accessible child care. SACRAMENTO, CA—For the past 23 years, Parent Voices, a parent-led and parent-run grassroots organization that fights for accessible and affordable child care, has visited the State Capitol on “Stand for Children Day” to advocate for …

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PG&E Helping Business Customers with Active Utility Loans to Reduce Financial Hardship During Pandemic

PG&E Offers Loan Deferral Program for Customers with Active Utility Loans for Up to 6 Months SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.— Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is offering additional support for business customers experiencing financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic by offering temporary loan deferrals for customers with an active On-Bill Financing (OBF) loan under PG&E’s Energy Efficiency …

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St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® 兒童研究及治療醫院 成為CAAMFest官方慈善合作夥伴

5月13日至22日,敬請參與CAAMFest舉辦的Heritage at Home線上電影節 孟菲斯,田纳西州 (2020年5月14日) —— 為慶賀美國亞裔和太平洋群島後裔傳統月 (Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month) ,美國亞裔媒體中心(CAAM)宣布St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® 兒童研究及治療醫院為CAAMFest Online電影節的官方慈善合作夥伴。該電影節將於5月13日至22日舉辦,今年首次舉辦的虛擬活動的主題為「 Heritage at Home」。屆時,將會有線上電影放映,互動座談小組和各類現場表演來展示最新的亞洲和亞裔電影。 代表St. Jude參與此次電影節的是來自9to5chic的Anh Sundstrom。一直以來,她都密切關著兒童健康和藝術發展。Sundstrom表示,「CAAMFest Online電影節是一個展示優秀創意人才的絕佳平台。他們為健康保健和娛樂事業做出的貢獻足以改變世界。St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® 兒童研究及治療醫院 的患兒家庭積極對抗兒童癌症和其他危及生命的疾病提醒我們:無論環境多麼困難,我們都應繼續探索,尋找生命中的喜悅。」 感謝捐助者的慷慨資助,所有患者家庭無需擔憂一切治療、出行和食宿費用 —— 這些家庭只需關注如何讓他們的孩子健康地生存下去。St. Jude還無償分享其研究成果。這意味著它每救治一個兒童,世界各地的醫生與科學家都可以用這種治療方法救助更多的兒童。 St. Jude患兒Max的父母就是受惠家庭之一。Max出生在中國,在一歲時被診斷出患有一種叫視網膜母細胞瘤(retinoblastoma)的眼部癌症,被奪取了視力。 2018年,Yanin收養了Max並把他帶回美國接受治療。Yanin說,「St. Jude拯救了我們孩子的生命。我們的小戰士在中國經歷了太多,他需要這裡最好的醫生幫助他解決所面臨的醫學難題。」 Max現在已經完成治療,並且每半年來St. Jude復診。 今天, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® 兒童研究及治療醫院已經成為百萬美國人支持的人道主義使命。這些人有著不同背景和信仰,但都秉持著和St. Jude同樣的目標和願景:尋找治療方法, 拯救孩子。只要團結一心,沒有什麼是不可能的。 捐助者對St. Jude的支持為患兒們帶來了希望和鼓舞。今天就發送電子藝術卡片,寫下溫暖的話語送給患兒們,點亮他們的一天吧! 想了解更多有關CAAMFest 2020的信息,觀看線上電影、現場表演和其他活動,敬請訪問。 有關St. Jude Children’s Research …

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Census Bureau to Deliver 2020 Census Questionnaires in Washington & Oregon

May 11, 2020 — The U.S. Census Bureau, in coordination with federal, state and local health officials, will begin to drop off 2020 Census questionnaire packets at front doors of households in Washington & Oregon on May 11-15, 2020. This is done in areas where the majority of households do not receive mail at their physical address. The Census Bureau …

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Cục Thống Kê Dân Số cung cấp các câu hỏi thống kê dân số năm 2020 tại TB Washington & TB Oregon

NGÀY 11 Tháng Năm, 2020 – Cục Thống Kê Dân Số Hoa Kỳ, phối hợp với các cơ quan y tế liên bang, tiểu bang và địa phương, sẽ bắt đầu để một bao thư bao gồm các tờ giấy có câu hỏi thống kê dân số năm 2020 tại trước cửa nhà của các gia đình tại TB Washington …

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DCYF Announces Child Care COVID-19 Grants

Olympia – The Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) is grateful for the continued commitment and dedication that child care providers have demonstrated to the children and families in our state during the COVID-19 pandemic. DCYF is offering support to child care providers under the Child Care Development Block Grant’s CARE Act. This critical support is in …

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Học Khu Sacramento, Thành Phố Sacramento, và Comcast Hợp Tác Cung Cấp Internet Miễn Phí Tới Các Gia Đình SCUSD Đủ Điều Kiện

Kết Nối Trẻ Em Học Khu Sac (Sac City Kids Connect) để Cung Cấp Sáu Tháng Internet Miễn Phí Cho Các Gia Đình Đủ Điều Kiện Ngày 6 tháng 5 năm 2020 SACRAMENTO, CA — Hôm nay, Học Khu Sacramento, Thành Phố Sacramento, và Comcast thông báo một nỗ lực mới để cung cấp cho các gia đình Học Khu Sacramento …

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Sac City Unified, Lub Nroog Sacramento, thiab Comcast Koom Uake los Muab Internet Pub Dawb rau SCUSD Cov Tsev Neeg uas Tsim Nyog Tau Txais Kev Pab

Sac City Cov Menyuam Txuas rau Muab Internet Pub Dawb rau Cov Tsev Neeg uas Tsim Nyog Tau Txais Kev Pab rau 6 Lub Hlis Lub 5 Hlis Tim 6, 2020 SACRAMENTO, CA — Sacramento City Unified School District, hnub no lub nroog Sacramento, thiab Comcast tau tshaj tawm tias muaj ib qho xov xwm tshiab uas yog los muab internet …

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