Fresno / Stockton Events

AARP Lunar New Year: Year of the Tiger

For the second year in a row, AARP is proud to help underwrite the San Francisco Chinese New Year Festival and Parade’s public art installation on display around San Francisco in celebration of Lunar New Year. AARP’s Posterity Tiger is one of six life-size tigers titled “Year of the Tiger on Parade” being showcased now through February 19 by the …

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Lunar New Year Poster Contest

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – The Community Youth Center of San Francisco (CYC) and On Lok PACE present the Lunar New Year Poster Design Contest for the second year in a row. The contest is part of the many celebrations that mark the Year of the Tiger. The theme for the poster contest is “Celebrating a Peaceful and Happy Lunar New …

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PG&E Expands Scope of Wildfire Safety Center to Encompass, Ensure Readiness for Any Natural Disaster and Emergency

With Wildfire Information Still a Priority, New Hazard Awareness & Warning Center Enables Faster, Better Response to Storms, Earthquakes and More OAKLAND, Calif.— Opened in 2018, Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E) Wildfire Safety Operations Center (WSOC) has successfully served as the company’s 24/7 hub for monitoring wildfire risks and for wildfire coordination, prevention and response efforts across Northern and …

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Frequently Asked Questions | Testing for COVID-19

Accessing testing kits Where can I get a COVID-19 test? Please try the following options: While supplies last, order a free testing kit from Say Yes! COVID Test ( // Limit one order per household.Order a free testing kit from the Federal program at Limit one order per household.Purchase an at-home test at local retailers and pharmacies.If you …

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What to Know About Omicron

A Conversation with DOH’s Chief Science Officer, Dr. Kwan-Gett Omicron is here in Washington in a big way. In the last several weeks, we’ve seen omicron become the most prevalent COVID-19 variant in Washington. Currently, it makes up over 90% of all sequenced specimens. It’s frustrating to face yet another wave of COVID-19, especially one that’s impacting everybody in some …

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Stay Safe and Healthy, Go Online to Complete DMV Services this Lunar New Year

The Lunar New Year is right around the corner, and as we get ready to celebrate the Year of the Tiger with family and friends, staying healthy is our top priority. And with COVID-19 on the rise again, taking precautions to protect ourselves and our loved ones is more important than ever. Fortunately, the DMV’s expanded online services can help …

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春節的COVID安全建議 由加利福尼亞州流行病學家Erica Pan博士撰稿 在很多加州人準備慶祝新春和即將到來的虎年之時,把COVID-19安全牢記在心是很重要的。 在中國傳統文化中,生於虎年的人「精力充沛、有進取心、大膽、勇敢、富有激情、慷慨、自信而有公正感、能著眼大局並助人為樂。」 在預防COVID這方面,加州人應該發揚虎年顧全大局、與人為善之精神,即佩戴口罩、接種疫苗和加強劑。 雖然春節很快就到了,但是通過接種疫苗及加強劑來保護自己和身邊的人仍然是至關重要的。疫苗和加強劑幫您預防因COVID-19和其變種所引發的嚴重疾病,進而導致需要住院、使用呼吸機甚至死亡。 加強劑發揮作用很快。它已經被批准和推薦為12歲及以上人群接種。滿12歲並接種過輝瑞疫苗的人以及滿18歲並接種過莫德納疫苗的人,在完成他們初始針劑的五個月後即有資格接種加強劑。我們鼓勵強生疫苗接種者在第一劑疫苗兩個月後就去接種加強劑。 訪問或撥打833-422-4255來查詢您附近的疫苗或加強劑。 我知道咱們很多人都期盼著熱熱鬧鬧的歡慶春節及虎年。隨著奧密克戎(Omicron)變種株在加州不斷蔓延,且病例數目仍在紀錄最高點,大家應該去探尋不會傳播COVID-19的慶祝方式。 若有可能,聚會規模要小並在室外進行。如果您的家庭成員有健康問題,那麼推遲聚會或者網路聚會可能是明智的選擇。如本文下麵所說,若您真的要聚會,請讓每個人在聚會之前或大約前一天內做檢測;如果您無法在室外聚會,打開儘量多的窗戶及門來增加通風。 如果您居住在舉辦高人氣春節活動——比如大規模遊行或慶祝——的社區內,請務必小心。在無法保持社交距離的擁擠室外場所,請一定帶上能蓋住嘴巴和鼻子的合適的口罩,最好是有高過濾性的口罩,比如KN95、KF94或N95口罩,或帶有鼻樑鐵線的外科口罩。未接種過疫苗且無法佩戴口罩的年幼孩子們應該避免參加大型聚會。請訪問我們的網站來獲取更多如何最有效利用您口罩的建議。 如果您旅行或與很多人聚會,去做檢測從而「在去之前自己心裡清楚」是個不錯的主意。即使您沒有任何症狀,也請在家庭聚會當天或前一天,或者在任何旅行之前去做檢測。快速抗原(Rapid Antigen)檢測應該在聚會或者旅行前的24小時內完成。聚合酶鏈反應 (PCR)檢測應在72小時內完成——從而可以在聚會或旅行前拿到結果。您應該在回來時也進行檢測,並在3-5天后再次檢測。您可以訪問疾病防控中心(CDC)和加州公共衛生部(CDPH)的網站來瞭解有關旅行的最新訊息與指導。做檢測無需自己付款。去加州或地方檢測站、藥房或撥打(833)422-4255。在美國的每個家庭也可以從covidtests.gov訂購4個免費COVID-19居家檢測。 另外一個可以讓您保護自己、家人和朋友的工具就是在智慧手機上開啟 CA Notify,並告訴其他人也這麼做。CA Notify依據一個人攜帶智慧手機所去過的地方,以匿名方式就可能的暴露告知此人。這個免費的服務可以讓您瞭解自己是否被暴露於COVID-19之中。如果您檢測呈陽性,也可以匿名通知他人。訪問來瞭解如何開啟此服務。 無論您是親自或在網上歡慶新春,當您安全歡度傳統佳節時,我都祝您身體健康、喜氣盈門。請記住,在新年要發揚虎年精神:「顧全大局、與人為善」。 # # # Erica Pan博士是加州的頂尖流行病學家及加州公共衛生部(CDPH)傳染病中心的副主任。她也是加州大學三藩市分校(University of California, San Francisco)兒童傳染病學的臨床教授。她被州長紐森任命為社區防疫意見委員會聯合主席,並一直積極致力於協助領導加州公共衛生部的COVID-19應對工作。

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Hãy Giống Như Con Hổ:

Lời Khuyên An Toàn về COVID cho Tết Nguyên Đán Được Thực hiện bởi Bác Sĩ Erica Pan, Chuyên Gia Dịch Bệnh của California Vì nhiều người dân California đang chuẩn bị đón Tết Nguyên Đán và Năm Nhâm Dần sắp tới, nên điều quan trọng là phải lưu ý đến sự an toàn của COVID-19. Theo cung hoàng đạo …

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Be Like The Tiger:

COVID Safety Tips for Lunar New Year By Dr. Erica Pan, California State Epidemiologist As many Californians prepare to celebrate Lunar New Year and the upcoming Year of the Tiger, it is important to keep COVID-19 safety in mind. According to Chinese zodiac traditions, people born in the Year of the Tiger are “vigorous and ambitious, daring and courageous, enthusiastic …

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Gold House, các thương hiệu API khác chào đón năm Nhâm Dần

với chiến dịch dành cho St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Ngày 25 tháng 1 năm 2022) – Gold House đang hợp tác với một số thương hiệu do người châu Á và người dân đảo Thái Bình Dương (API) sở hữu để triển khai chương trình Tết Nguyên Đán thường niên lần thứ hai cho St. Jude Children’s …

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