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迪士尼終身粉絲 Don Darryl Rivera 在百老匯改編音樂劇「阿拉丁」中為鸚鵡 Iago 帶來了大膽的改頭換面

Don Darryl Rivera 稱自己是「迪士尼書呆子」。從他以米老鼠和阿拉丁神燈裝飾的辦公室可見一斑。得知自己獲得百老匯音樂劇「阿拉丁」中鸚鵡 lago 一角對他而言是一次激動人心的經歷。「我清楚地記得,當我接到[選角辦公室打來的]電話時,我手都麻了。」Rivera 說道。「我掛了電話,哭了一會兒,然後給我爸爸媽媽、姐姐和妻子打電話。那真是美妙的一天。」 Don Darryl Rivera 在百老匯音樂劇「阿拉丁」飾演lago。 迪士尼影迷們都會記得,在動畫電影《阿拉丁》(1992)中,鸚鵡 lago 是由已故的 Gilbert Gottfried 配音,在百老匯改編版中,Rivera 以真人形式出演這一角色,並且作為主要惡作劇者 Jafar 的搭檔,塑造了一個與這個大反派同樣機智逗趣的形象。「百老匯版的 lago 捕捉了電影版 lago 的精髓,並將其呈現為一個生動活現的迪士尼反派角色。」Rivera 說道。 當 Rivera 不在紐約新阿姆斯特丹劇院 (New Amsterdam Theatre) 奉上他每週八場的滑稽表演時,他會陪伴妻子 Kate 和女兒 Eloise,或者兼職作為劇作家和作曲家。他寫書,還憑藉改編自深受喜愛的兒童讀物《哈羅德與紫色蠟筆》 (Harold and the Purple Crayon)並在他的家鄉西雅圖世界首演的音樂劇獲得了兩項《西雅圖時報》(Seattle Times)「地燈獎」。 這一次,我們與 Rivera 聊到了他最喜歡 lago 的地方、他在舞臺上的表演、一場令人難忘的舞臺鞋失誤等等! Dennis Stowe(Jafar)和 Don Darryl Rivera(lago)在百老匯音樂劇「阿拉丁」中。(Evan Zimmerman 攝) 你喜歡你的角色的哪些地方?你和他有哪些相似之處? 我喜歡 lago 展現出的詼諧。對 lago 來說,一切都是那麼極端——他的解決方案通常是暴力(笑),而且他有一些非常棒的俏皮話! 我對這個角色感同身受:我有一位姐姐……在我們成長的歲月裡,我一直在折磨她——所以我想,我這輩子都在接受反派訓練?!  …

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Lifelong Disney Fan Don Darryl Rivera Gives Iago a Daring Makeover in the Broadway Musical Adaptation of Aladdin

Don Darryl Rivera is a self-professed “Disney nerd.” A glimpse inside his Mickey Mouse- and Aladdin-lamp-decorated office is big giveaway. When he learned he earned the role as Iago in the Broadway musical Aladdin, it was quite an emotional experience. “I distinctly remember my hands going numb as a I got the call from the [casting office],” Rivera says. “I …

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In Person Voting is an Option

While all active registered voters throughout California receive Vote by Mail (VBM)ballots, voters still have the option of voting in person on or before Election Day.Your County Elections Office is open for in-person voting beginning 29 days beforethe election and voters can cast their ballots in person up to and including ElectionDay. Your county may be a polling place county …

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Các Video Hoạt Hoạ Mới Về Việc Can Thiệp Dành Cho Người Ngoài Cuộc Trình Bày Các Biện Pháp Hàng Ngày Mà Mọi Người Có Thể Thực Hiện Để Chống Lại Sự Gia Tăng Của Các Sự Việc Thù Ghét

Nghiên cứu cho thấy 75% mọi người cho biết rằng họ sẽ can thiệp sau khi được đào tạo về can thiệp dành cho người ngoài cuộc Ngày 31 tháng 5 năm 2022 (New York, NY) — tổ chức AARP, tổ chức Right To Be (trước đây gọi là Hollaback!), và tổ chức Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC đã …

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LÀM VƯỜN hỗ trợ SỨC KHỎE TÂM thần ĐỂ sống khỏe

By Khanh Banh, community advocate at Southland Có rất nhiều điều để vinh danh trong tháng Năm. Tháng Năm là Tháng Nâng Cao Nhận Thức về Sức Khỏe Tâm Thần, là thời điểm ghi nhận và nâng cao nhận thức của những người đang đối mặt với các vấn đề về sức khỏe tâm thần, để giúp giảm bớt sự …

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Gardening for mental health to support wellness

By Khanh Banh, community advocate at Southland There are many things to celebrate in May. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to acknowledge and raise awareness of those living with mental health conditions to help reduce the stigma so many people experience. It serves as a reminder for us to find ways to take care of ourselves and support others with …

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As We Learn to Coexist With COVID-19, the CDC and DOH Offer Resources to Help Navigate Risk

With the launch of ForWArd—Washington’s long-term COVID-19 response plan—and the lifting of certain COVID-19 related mandates at the state and federal level, communities are evaluating what coexisting with COVID-19 looks like. Many tools are available to support the public in tracking COVID-19 and navigating life in the next season of the pandemic.   The Department of Health’s (DOH) COVID-19 Data Dashboard is a …

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Department of Health Report Shows Childhood Immunization Rates Currently Below Pre-pandemic Averages

The Department of Health has issued a press release (Spanish) reminding the community to schedule well-child appointments to stay updated on immunizations. A new report shows that vaccination rates of children ages birth to 18 are currently below pre-pandemic levels. The Department of Health (DOH) recommends that healthcare providers and other agencies put focused effort towards encouraging routine vaccination in order to reach pre-pandemic levels …

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Partner Spotlight: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2022

This May, we asked partners to share events and activities they are hosting in honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. We are thrilled to spotlight a few amazing partners who have planned creative events on behalf of their communities.    We also want to acknowledge that many of our partners serving these communities are calling for changes …

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COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Eligibility Expanded to Include Children 5-11, with Recommendation Strengthened for Older Adults and the Immunocompromised

On May 19, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published updated COVID-19 vaccination guidance related to booster doses. COVID-19 booster eligibility has been expanded to include everyone ages 5 and older who has received a primary Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination series at least five months ago. Additionally, the CDC has strengthened the March 2022 recommendation advising older adults and …

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