California News

Tổ ChứcAARP Thông Báo về Cuộc Thi Khởi Nghiệp Mang Tên Tạo Bước Đi Của Bạn (Make Your Move)

Những người tham gia sẽ có cơ hội giành giải thưởng $10,000 và được gặp doanh nhân nổi tiếng Daymond John Washington–Tổ chức AARP đã ra thông báo về “Cuộc Thi Khởi Nghiệp Make Your Move” lần thứ ba của họ để giúp những doanh nhân đầy tham vọng và những người chủ doanh nghiệp nhỏ trên 45 tuổi thúc …

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AARP Announces its Make Your Move Entrepreneurship Contest

Participants have the chance to win $10,000 and meet The People’s Shark Daymond John Washington– AARP announced its third “Make Your Move Entrepreneurship Contest“ to help aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners 45 and older boost their business ventures and goals. The contest will run from Sept. 9 through Oct. 22. To enter the contest, entry participants must share their …

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大流行过,团聚过中秋 抽烟成往事,亲友保安康

社交距离,闭关锁城,防疫隔离,活动取消等等,我们经历了漫长困难的一年。不过,随着假期的临近,大家重聚的机会又大大增多。中秋节是亚洲地区的传统节日,每年农历八月十五月亮圆满,象征团圆,所以又叫做团圆节。时至今日,许多居美华人仍按传统相约亲友团聚,挂上灯笼﹑赏月和吃月饼。所以我们怎样去计划一个健康且安全的中秋团聚呢? 遵循CDC的防疫指南和抗疫规范指导 大流行一年后的重聚与社交是激动人心的,我们难免会迫不及待的想要开派对庆祝,并开始更广泛的社交活动。但CDC仍然建议人们在日常生活中谨慎行事,毕竟疫情仍在继续。CDC 拥有抗疫防疫相关的大量资料供你掌握保护自己和亲朋不受疫情侵害的办法。 提升对抗新冠病毒covid-19的机率——戒烟 吸烟的成年人患新冠病毒重症的风险高于非吸烟者。如果您吸烟,那么保护您肺部健康的最佳选择就是戒烟! “你能戒烟!”加州大学圣地亚哥分校的家庭医学与公共卫生科朱书宏教授说,“你尝试戒烟的次数越多,就越接近成功。这样你和你的家人、朋友就可以共享健康和快乐!” 以下是一些帮助你开始戒烟的小贴士: 确定戒烟的动机 越能认清自己的戒烟动机,你便越可能开始戒烟。想想你戒烟是为了改善呼吸?争取更多与家人相聚的时间?写下任何促使你戒烟的原因。一个有力的原因会使你坚持不抽烟,特别当抽烟的诱惑来临时。一个有力的原因会使你坚持不抽烟,特别当抽烟的诱惑来临时。 致电免费的ASQ《华语戒烟专线》(1-800-838-8917)或者在www.asq-chinese.org免费注册 如果吸烟者曾经干戒而未能成功,何不尝试使用免费的专业戒烟服务。ASQ 已经被临床证实能够倍增戒烟的成功率。受过专业训练的顾问会帮助你做一个适合你个人的戒烟计划,同时为吸烟者提供两个星期免费的尼古丁贴片并邮寄到你府上。 寻求支持 根据研究显示,旁人的支持有助成功戒烟,趁着中秋节团聚时告知可信任的人你戒烟的决定,让他们知道怎样配合你的计划和为你打气。*您也可以编辑短信“戒烟”至66819来获取对戒烟有帮助的小贴士短信。 这一次的新冠大流行过后,人们不再将聚会视为理所当然。如果你想充分参与与朋友和家人的每一场聚会,且无需再在假期亦或是日常生活中为了找吸烟区而烦恼,今天就打电话到《华语戒烟专线》1-800-838-8917,开始你的戒烟之旅。 关于ASQ《华语戒烟专线》 ASQ《华语戒烟专线》由美国疾病控制及预防中心资助。自 2012 年开始,ASQ 已经为超过 18,000 名美国亚裔社区的居民用粤语、国语、韩语和越南语提供了免费的、以实证为基础的戒烟服务。符合资格的戒烟者将会获得两周免费的戒烟贴片。研究已经证明 ASQ 的服务可以倍增吸烟者戒烟的成功率。 ASQ 的服务时间是星期一到星期五,美国西岸时间早上 7:00am 至晚上 9:00pm (美东时间早上 10:00am 至凌晨 12:00am)。可以通过以下任何一种方式与我们联系: 致电或登入网站进行登记: • 国语和粤语• 韩语• 越南语 短信: 发送戒烟 到 66819 获取广东话或普通话的支持短信。*如欲停止短信服务,请随时发送短信  STOP至 66819。您的电话运营商可能会按信息使用率收费。 To learn more about ASQ in English, visit:

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Post-Pandemic Reunions: Quit smoking helps to stay safe and healthy

It has been a long year of social distancing, lockdowns, quarantines, and canceled events. However, as holidays approaching, there will be lots of chances to reconnect. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival celebrated in Asia. The festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night, a symbol of …

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PG&E Releases Updates on its Latest Public Safety Power Shutoff

PG&E has returned power to most homes while 600 PG&E customers in Kern County still remain de-energized due to the continuing PSPS (Public Power Safety Shutoff) that was decided after Monday’s wind event, extreme drought and dry conditions. Monday’s (9/20) wind event, combined with extreme to exceptional drought and extremely dry vegetation, prompted PG&E to send two-day advance notifications (via …

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PSPS UPDATE: PG&E Will Begin Shutting Off Power for Safety During Dry Offshore Wind Event, Affecting About 7,100 Customers in Small Portions of 10 Counties

Safety Shutoffs Will Begin Monday around 5 AM Depending on LocationWeather All Clears Anticipated as Early as Monday Afternoon, Allowing PowerRestoration to Begin SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) confirms that it is in the process of implementing a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) affecting about 7,100 customers in small portions of 10 counties. The first …

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THE LION KING Celebrates Triumphant Return to Broadway

New York, NY (Tuesday, September 14, 2021) – The Lion King returned to Broadway tonight, following the unprecedented 18-month shutdown of the theater industry. Video and photos of the historic evening at the Minskoff Theatre are available now. In a Broadway first, tonight’s performance of “Circle Of Life” was live streamed on TikTok, opening up the historic evening to fans …

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AARP #StopAsianHate小組:用數據支持我們的 AAPI 長者們

來自 NAPAWF、Stop AAPI Hate 和 UCSF的研究人員展示了 調查的關鍵結果和分類數據,以引起對 AAPI 50 歲以上關鍵問題的關注 在8 月 25 日,AARP 舉辦了一個虛擬小組 - 『AARP #StopAsianHate Panel: Backing Up Our AAPI Elders With Data』- 從數據的角度關注反亞裔仇恨問題。該活動包括研究專家就 AAPIs 50-Plus 的最新問卷調查結果發表演講,隨後進行小組討論,主題包括 COVID-19 對AAPI 長者的心理 和健康影響、AAPI 仇恨事件的自我報告以及影響AAPI 女性 50 歲以上的仇恨事件。 嘉賓小組成員包括全國亞太裔美國婦女論壇 (NAPAWF) 研究經理 Drishti Pillai; Stop AAPI Hate 聯合創始人Russell Jeung;加州大學舊金山分校社區衛生系統系教授 Van Ta Park。該小組由 AARP協會多元化、公平和包容、亞裔美國人和太平洋島民受眾策略之副總裁 Daphne Kwok 主持。 AARP 執行副總裁兼首席公共政策官 Debra Whitman 致歡迎辭,並分享了分類數據對 …

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Buổi Thảo Luận về #StopAsianHate của AARP: Bảo Vệ Những Người Lớn Tuổi Trong Cộng Đồng AAPI Của Chúng Ta Bằng Các Dữ Liệu

Những nhà nghiên cứu từ các tổ chức NAPAWF, Stop AAPI Hate và UCSF đưa ra các phát hiện khảo sát quan trọng và các dữ liệu tách biệt để nâng cao nhận thức đến các vấn đề cực kì quan trọng cho những người AAPI trên 50 tuổi (AAPIs 50-Plus)  Vào ngày 25 tháng Tám, AARP đã tổ chức …

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AARP #StopAsianHate Panel: Backing Up Our AAPI Elders With Data

Researchers from NAPAWF, Stop AAPI Hate and UCSF present key survey findings and disaggregated data to bring attention to critical issues for AAPIs 50-Plus On August 25, AARP hosted a virtual panel – “AARP #StopAsianHate Panel: Backing Up Our AAPI Elders With Data” – which addressedanti-Asian hate from a data perspective. The event included a presentation by research experts on …

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