Los Angeles

CENSUS 2020 – Community Response

Is Your Community Responding? The 2020 Census is critical. A complete and accurate count will help shape the future of your community and inform how hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funding are distributed for important programs and services in health care, emergency and disaster response, education, and infrastructure.  Use this map of response rates across the country to see what …

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Anthem Blue Cross Rolls Out Digital Kiosks to Help Californians Achieve Better Health Outcomes

New technology empowers clinicians and Medi-Cal members by providing access to interpretation services for non-English speaking Californians. Anthem Blue Cross has deployed hundreds of digital solutions kiosks in health centers across the state to provide real-time video interpretation services and access to telehealth. The kiosks help clinicians overcome communication barriers and improve service to the growing number of non-English speaking …

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Cập nhật về Hoạt động của Thống Kê Dân Số 2020

Ngày 12 tháng 6 năm 2020 – Cục Thống Kê Dân Số Hoa Kỳ tiếp tục theo dõi tác động của dịch COVID-19 đến các hoạt động của Thống Kê Dân Số 2020 và tuân theo hướng dẫn của cơ quan quản lý y tế cấp liên bang, tiểu bang và địa phương để đảm bảo an toàn cho nhân …

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2020 年人口普查運行更新

2020  年 6  月 12  日– 美國人口普查局將繼續關注 COVID-19  對 2020  年人口普查活動的影響,並遵循聯邦、州和地方衛生當局的指導,以確保員工和公眾的安全。人口普查局準備好宣布開始恢復營運(除了仍在進行中的更新休假運行和新員工的指紋識別之外),以便進行完整而準確的 2020  年人口普查。   截至今天,已有超過 9100  萬個家庭對 2020  年人口普查做出了回覆。人們仍然可以通過網路、電話或郵寄進行回覆,而無需與人口普查員會面。 下面列出的運行更新包括未回覆之後續追蹤、合作夥伴活動、移動式問卷援助(MQA )方案,以及整合通訊和合作活動。 人口普查局將會開始無回覆之後續追蹤。 人口普查局之「試運行」常規操作,可確保系統、操作和現場計畫按照預期進行。從 7  月中旬開始,六個地區人口普查辦公室(ACO )(每個人口普查區域一個)將開始採訪尚未回覆 2020  年人口普查的家庭。將於 6  月底宣布六個 ACO 。之後將會宣布更多的 ACO ,以便在 7  月下旬進行第二波試運行。除試運行的 ACO 外,所有剩餘的 ACO  將於 8  月 11  日開始無回覆之後續追蹤,並在 10  月 31  日前結束。 所有人口普查人員都將接受有關社交疏離的培訓。他們會被發放個人防護裝備(PPE) ,並且將遵循當地的使用指南。 人口普查局的社區夥伴關係和參與計劃(CPEP )已恢復面對面的活動。 在當地的指導協調下,合作夥伴專家於 6  月初恢復了面對面的工作,與 370,000  多個合作夥伴組織合作,並在安全的情況下在全國各地參加了面對面的活動。在過去的幾個月中, CPEP  的外勤工作主要由虛擬活動組成,以支持居家令和社交疏離。 人口普查局的移動式調查問卷協助(MQA )計畫正在修改,以反映當前的環境。 我們期望 MQA  員工能夠根據當前的健康狀況,在選定的區域繼續提供面對面的問卷調查協助。該計畫還將增加其活動範圍,包括在全國回覆最低的社區內進行直接宣傳。參與 MQA  的所有人口普查局工作人員,都將遵守當地關於個人防護裝備和社交疏離的準則。 人口普查局將在 2020  年 …

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Mga Update sa Pagpapatakbo ng 2020 Senso

Hunyo 12, 2020 – Patuloy na sinusubaybayan ng U.S. Census Bureau ang mga epekto ng COVID-19 sa pagpapatakbo ng 2020 Senso at patuloy nitong sinusunod ang gabay ng mga pederal, pang-estado at lokal na health authorities upang tiyakin na ligtas ang aming mga tauhan at ang publiko. Handa ang Census Bureau na ipahayag ang pagpapatuloy ng iba pang mga operasyon …

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Updates to 2020 Census Operations

June 12, 2020 – The U.S. Census Bureau continues to monitor the impacts COVID-19 has on 2020 Census operations and follow guidance of federal, state and local health authorities to ensure the safety our staff and the public. The Census Bureau is ready to announce resumption of other operations in addition to the Update Leave operation and fingerprinting of new …

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Six Candidates Endorsed by Andrew Yang Achieve Primary Victories

Following the advancement of six Humanity Forward endorsed candidates to the November General Election, Andrew Yang has announced the endorsement of two additional pro-UBI candidates, Donna Imam and Marilyn Strickland NEW YORK—Today, Humanity Forward announced its endorsement of two candidates: Donna Imam (TX-31) and Marilyn Strickland (WA-10). Imam and Strickland join other pro-Universal Basic Income candidates endorsed by the organization …

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APIA Vote Presents Caregiving During COVID-19 Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Are you caring for a loved one who is with you at home?  In an assisted living center or long-term care facility? Long distance within the U.S.?  Long distance overseas?  Are you taking care of yourself during these stressful times?  Join to hear how to care under these new times.  Presented by AARP.  Register Here Loading… Taking too long? Reload …

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APIA Vote Hosts 2020 Presidential Town Hall

2020 Presidential Town Hall event with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Representative Judy Chu, Former Governor of Guam Eddie Baza Calvo, and journalists Amna Nawaz and Vicky Nguyen, will be taking place on Saturday 6/27 at 3pm ET. Please register at apia.vote/townhall2020 here: Register Here About the Presidential Town Hall Since 2008, the Presidential Town Hall has served as a forum for …

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2020 Presidential Town Hall Speakers Confirmed / APIA Vote Invitation to the 2020 National AAPI Leadership Summit, Workshops & Sessions

APIA Vote is presenting a few virtual events taking place over the next two weeks. The 2020 National AAPI Leadership Summit is taking place this week 6/22-6/25, and starts at 5pm ET and 7pm ET every evening (1 hour per session). Please browse the agenda and speakers, then register here: https://secure.everyaction.com/ang0paCN6kGqbjE9VAVjJQ2 The 2020 Presidential Town Hall event with U.S. Vice …

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