Crossings Paths with Peter Koo

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State of Illinois and City of Chicago Issue New Guidance to Minimize COVID-19 Spread

CHICAGO (March 12, 2020) – Following CDC guidance and recommendations by local public health experts, the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago are issuing new guidance to residents to prevent further spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). These new precautionary measures were developed with large events and gatherings in mind, and will promote social distancing practices – a key recommendation to prevent …

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AT&T Offers Added Relief for Customers

AT&T is planning on being here to help you stay connected throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We recognize that staying in touch with your family, friends, school and work has never been more important. Below are a few ways we’re helping consumers, small businesses, and enterprises across the country. Consistent with FCC Chairman Pai’s “Keep Americans Connected Pledge” announced today and …

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COMCAST Announces Comprehensive COVID-19 Response to Help Keep Americans Connected to the Internet

Company Opens Xfinity WiFi Network Nationally for Free, Offers Unlimited Data for Free, Confirms Its Commitment to Connecting Low-Income Families PHILADELPHIA – March 13, 2020 – On the heels of offering new, low-income Internet Essentials customers two months of free internet and raising the speed of that program’s service to 25/3 Mbps, Comcast today announced additional steps to help ensure …

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11 New Cases of Confirmed COVID-19 in Los Angeles County

LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) has confirmed 11 new cases of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Social distancing is the most effective tool we have to slow the spread of novel coronavirus. Additional case information: Two cases have unidentified sources of exposure.Two cases were exposed during recent travel.Four cases had close contact with …

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Коронавирус заболевание 2019 г.

Коронавирус заболевание 2019 г. (COVID-19) — это респираторное заболевание человека, вызванное новым вирусом. Оно может передаваться от человека к человеку. Вирус был впервые выявлен в г. Ухань, Китай, и в настоящее время распространился на другие страны, включая Соединенные Штаты Америки Поскольку это новый вирус, мы до сих пор не имеем о нем полной информации, но с каждым днем мы узнаем …

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Kev Taw Qhia Pab Nrhiav Kev Kho Mob Uas Pheej Yig lossis Kom Tau Ntawv Pov Hwm Kev Kho Mob

▪ Nrhiav kev kho mob uas pheej yig ▪ Bridge to Benefits: MN Low-Cost Health Care Directory( Ntaus koj lub nras los mus nrhiav tej tsev kuaj mob uas pheej yig nyob ze koj. ▪ Minnesota Association of Community Health Centers (MNACHC) ( Siv daim duab qhia chaw (map) lossis ntaus koj qhov chaw nyob los mus nrhiav ib lub …

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COVID-19 是如何传播的

目前对引起冠状病毒疾病 2019 (COVID-19) 的病毒是如何传播的理解很大程度上是基于对类似冠状病毒的了解。 人传人传播 该病毒被认为主要在人与人之间传播。 在彼此密切接触(约 6 英尺以内)的人与人之间进行传播。当感染者咳嗽或打喷嚏时,通过产生的呼吸道飞沫进行传播。这些飞沫可以落在周围人的嘴里或鼻子里或可能被吸入肺内。 接触感染表面或物体后扩散 一个人可能通过接触被病毒污染的表面或物体,然后接触自己的口、鼻或可能接触自己的眼睛而感染 COVID-19,但这并不被认为是病毒传播的主要方式。 扩散何时发生? 一般被认为在症状最严重(病情最严重)时人的传染性最强。在表现出症状之前,感染者也可能进行传播;有报道称这种新的冠状病毒存在这种情况,但这并不被认为是病毒传播的主要方式。 病毒的传播效率如何? 病毒在人与人之间传播的容易程度可能各不相同。一些病毒具有高度传染性(如麻疹),而其他病毒的传染性较低。另一个因素是传播是否在多代人中持续(如果传播持续存在)。导致 COVID-19 的病毒似乎在湖北省和中国其他地区容易持续传播。在美国,人与人之间的传播只发生在少数密切接触者中,迄今没有进一步传播。 还有更多内容需要探索 COVID-19 是一种新出现的疾病,关于其传播性、严重程度和其他特征以及对美国影响等的更多内容需要探索。新信息将进一步为风险评估提供信息。 阅读中国武汉冠状病毒疾病 2019 (COVID-19) 最新情况的摘要。 Source:

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