California News

First Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile Virus

First Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile Virus in DuPage County DuPage County — The DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) has confirmed the first mosquito batches to test positive for West Nile virus (WNV) this year in DuPage County. The first WNV-positive pools of mosquitoes were collected in Bartlett on June 18 and then in Wood Dale on June 27. …

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Chương Trình Văn Nghệ Trực Tiếp Thu Hình Paris by Night “Bolero & Em”

Kính mời quý vị đến tham dự buổi văn nghệ trực tiếp thu hình chủ đề “Bolero & Em” do Paris by Night tổ chức vào ngày Chủ Nhật 25 tháng 8, 2024 qua hai suất lúc 2:30 chiều và 7:30 tối trên sân khấu lộng lẫy của rạp Pechanga Casino. Nhắc đến Bolero thì hầu hết khách yêu nhạc …

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The Paris by Night Live Recorded Show: “Bolero & You”

You are cordially invited to attend the live recorded musical show themed “Bolero & You” offered by Paris by Night on Sunday, August 25, 2024, at 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm on the splendid stage of the Pechanga Casino Theater. We see songs written with all sorts of subjects, from love for the homeland, family, boys and girls to the …

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Invasive Fruit Fly Quarantine in Sacramento

INVASIVE FRUIT FLY QUARANTINE LIFTED IN SACRAMENTO COUNTY Ag Officials Urge Residents to Take Steps to Prevent Future Introductions of Invasive Species SACRAMENTO — June 24, 2024 — Thanks to the cooperation and diligence of Sacramento County residents and local agricultural officials, the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), working in coordination with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the …

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PG&E Summer Readiness

June 26, 2024,  PG&E held its Summer Readiness Event, which was live-streamed from PG&E’s Hazard Awareness & Warning Center in San Ramon.  The event provided information on a temporary 9% electric rate decrease that will help lower electric bills during the hot summer months, and actions to help ensure safe and reliable electric service this summer when wildfire risk and energy demand …

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PG&E Customer Livestream Event: How PG&E is Preparing for Summer Wildfire Risk and Increased Energy Demand; Company Announces Temporary Bill Decrease Begins in July

Oakland, Calif—Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is hosting a “Summer Readiness” livestream for customers on Wednesday, June 26. Topics will include a temporary 9% electric rate decrease that will help lower electric bills during the hot summer months. Additionally, PG&E leaders and the California Independent System Operator will discuss actions to help ensure safe and reliable electric service this …

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올여름 야외 환경을 보존하고 보호하는 6가지 팁

여름이 시작되면서 많은 캘리포니아 주민이 친구 및 가족과 함께 따뜻한 날씨와 경이로운 자연을 즐기기 위해 야외로 나가고 있습니다. 야외에서 여가를 즐기기 전에 자연 생태계를 보호하기 위해 자신이 미치는 영향에 대해 생각해 보고 공공장소를 깨끗하게 유지하는 데 동참하십시오. 캘리포니아 교통국, 클린 캘리포니아, 캘리포니아 주립공원은 공공장소와 지역사회를 쓰레기와 잔해 없이 안전하게 유지하는 데 도움이 되는 몇 가지 간단한 팁을 권장합니다:    가져온 것은 …

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Sáu Lời Khuyên Để Bảo Tồn và Bảo Vệ Với Các Hoạt Động Ngoài Trời Trong Mùa Hè Này

Mùa hè đã đến và nhiều người dân California đang hướng tới thời tiết ấm áp hơn với những điều kỳ diệu của hoạt động ngoài trời cùng bạn bè và gia đình. Trước khi tham gia giải trí bên ngoài, hãy nhớ nghĩ đến tác động của bạn và góp phần giữ sạch cảnh quan thiên nhiên chung để …

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夏天來臨,許多加州人都計劃和親朋好友一起享受戶外的溫暖天氣和美麗風景。在外出活動之前,請考慮一下您所帶來的影響,並盡自己的一份力來保持公共土地清潔,從而保護自然生態系統。 加州交通部(Caltrans)和加州州立公園(California State Parks)為您提供了一些簡單的建議,旨在幫助維護公共空間與社區的安全,避免其受垃圾和廢棄物的破壞: 帶來的統統都帶走。特別是在拜訪偏遠地區時,請攜帶垃圾袋,走後不留痕。將剩飯殘渣、餐巾紙、一次性食品包裝及其他廢物放入垃圾袋中,直到您能夠妥善處理它們。對於人體排泄物,廢物排泄凝膠袋(WAG袋)或其他便攜式廁所都是我們推薦的選擇。WAG袋可以被安全地丟棄在常規垃圾箱中。 選擇可重複使用的物品而不是一次性物品。可重複使用的容器能防止有害毒素進入我們的水域和社區娛樂地,並且從長遠來看還更經濟划算。如果您使用罐子或塑料瓶,請務必妥善回收,以幫助降低它們的影響。 撿拾小垃圾,造就大不同。留意瓶蓋、食品包裝、香煙頭和其他細小垃圾,並確保妥善處理它們。 妥善處理大件物品(如折疊帳篷、沙灘椅和保溫箱)。將這些物品留在海灘、公園或垃圾箱附近可能被視為非法傾倒。請把損壞的物品帶回家,並送到當地垃圾場妥善處理。 固定好您的車載物品。無論您住在附近還是需要旅行到達目的地,請務必用防水布和繩索固定好卡車、拖車和船上的物品,從而確保物品能安全到達目的地,並不會在旅途中飛出。 預防野火和有毒污染。夏季的高溫和乾燥氣候為野火提供了理想條件。垃圾會加劇這個問題,特別是香煙頭,因為它們可能引火並助長野火的蔓延。垃圾燃燒時還會釋放毒素到環境中,危害野生動物和附近的社區。請盡己之力,妥善處理所有物品。 圖片來源:加州交通部和Clean California 獲取更多建議,請訪問。在出門前,做一些有關目的地的研究,以查找步道、預訂野餐區和露營地,並根據需要打包行李。查找您附近的州立公園,請訪問 。

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Six Tips to Preserve and Protect the Outdoors This Summer

Summer is here, and many Californians are headed out to enjoy the warmer weather and wonders of the outdoors with friends and family. Before recreating outside, be sure to think about your impact and do your part to keep public lands clean to protect the natural ecosystems. Caltrans, Clean California, and California State Parks recommend a few simple tips to …

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