Chicago News


Pacific Gas and Electric Company 太平洋煤電公司(PG&E)誠邀您參加可以讓參加者互動的網上研討會,了解我們各種預防山火,確保用戶及社區安全的各種工作。 8月31日(星期一)| 5:30-7:00 p.m.按此加入 » or 或撥免費電話 (844) 738-1853 » | 研討會 ID: 4279783了解更多 » 我們繼續感受到新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情的影響,亦明白用戶依賴可靠電力服務的重要性,尤其在居家避疫的情況下。這是我們致力減少公共安全斷電 (Public Safety Power Shutoff,下稱PSPS) 的發生,亦希望分享資訊幫助您為今年山火季節做好準備。 透過這場中文網上研討會中,您會聽到我們防止山火的各項工作,我們也會解答大家的問題,您也可分享您的意見。在此研討會上分享的資訊與我們自五月起每周三舉行的地區性英文研討會類似。 減少PSPS的影響範圍、縮短斷電時間以及為用戶提供更智能化的服務及資訊PG&E的山火預防計劃山火安全工作的進度助您準備PSPS的各項資訊 欲收看過往在您的社區進行的英文研討會或下載有關資料,請前往 »我們每天正努力工作來改善供電系統的安全及穩定性以減低山火風險。欲了解我們的山火安全措施和您可以如何作出準備。請前往 » 注意事項 • 此網上研討會會網上直播,我們建議您使用電腦播音機收聽。

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Kollaboration – 2020 Census Town Hall

Kollaboration is proud to be an official partner for the 2020 Census for a WEEK OF ACTION!RSVP NOW AT Join us for an empowering virtual town hall focused on galvanizing the Asian American community to participate in the 2020 Census.It’s more important than ever to engage and count the nation’s marginalized communities. Asian Americans are currently the least likely to …

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Mayor Durkan Extends Moratoriums on Evictions of Commercial, Nonprofit, and Residential Tenants Through the End of the Year

Office of Economic Development Provides Additional 72 Small Businesses With $10,000 Grants in Third Round of Small Business Stabilization Fund Seattle (August 14, 2020) – Mayor Jenny A. Durkan has signed an Executive Order to extend the moratorium on residential, nonprofit, and small business evictions in the City of Seattle until December 31, 2020. The Office of Economic Development (OED) has …

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Thành phố Seattle công bố chương trình trợ giúp pháp lý dành cho những người nhập cư không có giấy tờ và người hưởng quyền lợi chương trình DACA, cũng như hỗ trợ tài chính để gia hạn DACA nhằm đáp trả hành động chống người nhập cư của Tổng Thống Trump

SEATTLE (Ngày 20 tháng 08 năm 2020) – Thành phố Seattle sẽ tổ chức buổi hội thảo đầu tiên trong chuỗi hội thảo đem lại cơ hội gặp gỡ luật sư trợ giúp vấn đề di trú cho những người nhập cư không có giấy tờ và người hưởng quyền lợi chương trình DACA. Chương trình trợ giúp này được …

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為因應 Trump 的反移民措施,西雅圖市宣佈為無證移民和 DACA 接收者提供法律諮詢處,以及為 DACA 續簽提供經濟援助

西雅圖(2020 年 08 月 20 日) 西雅圖市將舉辦第一場講座(後續會有一系列的講座),為無證移民和 DACA 接收者提供與移民律師見面的機會。這一法律諮詢處是由 King County Bar Association (KCBA) 和American Immigration Lawyers Association Washington Chapter (AILA-WA) 與 Seattle Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs(OIRA,西雅圖移民與難民事務辦公室)共同發起 ,並將透過一系列的安全的線上視訊會議進行活動。 無法支付 DACA 續簽費用,並且在西雅圖居住或工作或上學的個人可獲得費用獎學金。非營利組織 El Centro de la Raza 負責獎學金申請的流程。 在 6 月 18 日Supreme Court of the United States(SCOTUS,美國最高法院)下令 Department of Homeland Security(DHS,國土安全部)將 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals(DACA,童年入境者暫緩遣返手續)項目恢復到 2017 年的原狀後不久,在總統試圖終止該專案之前,OIRA 就已開始組織這些講座。然而,DHS …

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City of Seattle announces legal clinics for DACA recipients and undocumented immigrants, as well as financial aid for DACA renewals in response to Trump’s recent anti-immigrant actions

SEATTLE (August 18, 2020) – The City of Seattle will host the first in a series of workshops providing undocumented immigrants and DACA-recipients an opportunity to meet with an immigration attorney. This clinic, conducted through phone and online video conferencing, is sponsored by King County Bar Association (KCBA) and the American Immigration Lawyers Association Washington Chapter (AILA-WA), in partnership with …

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City of Elk Grove Diversity Month

Click Here to To Visit the Diversity Month Page Throughout the month of August, the Elk Grove Diversity and Inclusion Commission and the City of Elk Grove will offer virtual opportunities to explore the many cultures that make up our community.  Learn self-defense with a free martial arts lesson, join a live cooking tutorial, see a fashion show, open your horizons to a …

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Paano binibigyan ng inspirasyon ng mga Asian American creatives ang kanilang mga kasamahan upang hikayatin ang kanilang mga mahal sa buhay na mabilang sa 2020 Senso

Nakikita ni Michelle Hanabusa, founder at creative director ng  WEAREUPRISERS, ang common thread between fashion at 2020 Senso: “Ang iyong kasuotan ay ang kung ano ang iyong isinasagisag. Ang suot mo ay ekspresyon ng kung sino ka.” Gaya nito, para kay Hanabusa, ang 2020 Census ay tungkol sa representasyon ng Asyanong Amerikano at pagpapakita, sa bilang, kung sino tayo. Ginagamit …

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How Asian American creatives are rallying their peers to get loved ones counted in the 2020 Census

Michelle Hanabusa, founder and creative director of WEAREUPRISERS, sees a common thread between fashion and the 2020 Census: “What you wear is what you represent. What you wear is an expression of who you are.” In the same way, Hanabusa views the 2020 Census as being about Asian American representation, and showing, in numbers, who we are. Hanabusa, through UPRISERS, …

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WEAREUPRISERS的創始人兼創意總監Michelle Hanabusa 看到了時尚與2020年人口普查之間的共同點:「你的穿着就是你所代表的。你穿的衣服是你的身份表達。」 同樣,Hanabusa認爲2020年人口普查是關於亞裔美國人的展示,以數字顯示我們是誰。Hanabusa正在通過UPRISERS和時尚來宣傳2020年人口普查。 Hanabusa 從零開始建立了社區主導的街頭服飾品牌UPRISERS。她之選擇了這個名字是因爲這個詞代表了做真實的自己,堅持自己的價值觀來推動社會變革。過去,她曾與不同團體合作,以提高人們對重要目標的認識,包括最近開展的一場反歧視亞洲人的運動。 現在,她很高興自己的平臺能與2020年人口普查合作,併成爲全國範圍內努力爭取亞裔美國人被算上的一部分。像UPRISERS這種有公德心的平臺正在填補一個空白時期。因爲COVID-19,公衆集會已經停止,人們無法探望至愛至親,各行各業的正常經營都在面臨巨大困難。 年輕的亞裔美國人,特別是許多領導着以藝術和娛樂爲重點的人士,正在展示如何突破溝通障礙。這些溝通障礙是許多人出於安全考慮進行居家隔離而引起的。迄今爲止,這些組織與2020年人口普查合作,通過其關鍵計劃和虛擬活動在線吸引了數百萬人,例如Gold House的年度A100榜單。該獎項表彰了具有文化影響力的亞裔美國人。 Gold House hosts a virtual town hall on the economy and politics, featuring speakers from top left to right: Richard Lui, MSNBC anchor; Amrita Ahuja, CFO of Square; Andrew Yang, former 2020 presidential candidate; Betty Liu, executive vice chairman of New York Stock Exchange; Richard Lui, MSNBC anchor; Tim Wang, TDW+Co …

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