Chicago News

Amid Extreme Heat, Forecasted Offshore Dry Wind Event Means PG&E Might Need to Proactively Turn Off Power for Safety in Portions of 18 Counties

Customers Who Might Be Affected by the Public Safety Power Shutoff Are Receiving 24-Hour Notifications This Evening State Grid Operator’s Flex Alert Remains in Effect, Calling for Power Conservation from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m SAN FRANCISCO – Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) continues to monitor a potentially widespread, strong and dry offshore wind event forecasted to start Monday evening …

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Five Simple Things You Can Do to Save Energy during Labor Day Weekend Heat Wave

Triple-Digit Heat Will Tax the Grid; State Grid Operator, PG&E, Other Utilities Asking Customers to Conserve between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.—With triple-digit heat forecast for the three-day Labor Day weekend, the state’s grid operator is calling for afternoon and evening energy conservation as one way to make sure that the supply of power stays ahead of …

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PG&E Has Redesigned Community Resource Centers for Potential Public Safety Power Shutoff Events to Reflect COVID-19 Health Protocols

Outdoor Open-Air Tents and Vans Will Supplement Indoor Facilities to Accommodate Physical Distancing While Providing Water and Device Charging for Customers Insights and Feedback from 300 Meetings with Customers; Local, State, Federal and Tribal Government Officials Help Lead to Improved 2020 Planning SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — In preparing for the possible need to turn off power to prevent wildfires during …

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Coachella 音樂節和其他活動因疫情取消後,Lot, Stock & Barrel 迅速採取行動

這間擴展中的洛杉磯小型企業得到了 PACE 和 U.S. Bank 全美銀行的資助 2014 年,Benjamin Lee Phillips 及夥伴 Florence Tang 決定放棄在美國企業的職業生涯並放手一搏,去追求他們對於設計、服飾及零售的熱情,因而共同創立了 Lot, Stock and Barrel。 該公司是一間提供全面服務的設計工作室及零售商店,包括服裝訂製、刺繡設計與製作,以及特製服裝生產。過去六年來,這間企業已從洛杉磯鬧市區僅有一個概念零售空間的兩人公司,成長至十人的團隊,在西好萊塢擁有一間展銷廳,並在好萊塢有一間設計工作室。 Lot, Stock and Barrel 曾與各品牌合作,包括 Levi’s、Madewell、Asos、Nordstrom 以及 Barneys。該公司也曾與娛樂界及音樂節的公司合作,如 Hulu、Netflix、Amazon 以及 Coachella,提供服裝訂製、宣傳材料及現場客製化刺繡。 在 COVID-19 爆發之前,該公司正忙著為又一年的娛樂活動及音樂節做準備,而首先登場的就是 4 月的 Coachella 音樂節。接著,因為疫情的關係,一切戛然而止。這些影響是立即性的:與零售業者的收帳及採購活動停止;員工工作時數縮減;合約取消;及零售店面停業。於是,該公司不得不擱置了許多無法退貨的原料和庫存。沒有收入,但支出卻不斷增加,包括兩處房租。 因為公司從一開始就是自力更生,從未接受任何投資或金融合作夥伴,Phillips 和 Tang 決定要靠自己的力量度過疫情。如同其他小型企業,他們做出了重大的營運調整,以求生存並順應潮流。接下客戶的小量生產訂單、提供路邊取貨的服務,並為長期客戶提供送貨服務等,讓這間公司得以努力維持一段時間。儘管處於財務困境中,Phillips 和 Tang 卻開始生產口罩並免費發送給零售業及餐飲業的朋友和同事。 但幾個月過去了,情況變得越來越吃緊,他們終於意識到公司可能需要一些幫助。徹底搜尋過網路後,Phillips 發現了 PACE 並聯絡了業務經理 Wai Ling Chin;該經理建議他申請薪酬保護貸款計畫 (Paycheck Protection Program, PPP) 以及經濟損失災難貸款計劃 (Economic Injury Disaster Loans, …

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Biểu tượng Thế vận hội Olympic và Paralympic LA28đại diện cho những câu chuyện của sức sáng tạo và sự đa dạng tạo nênDấu ấn sôi động đầu tiên cho Olympic và Paralympic LOS ANGELES – Khởi động hành trình chính thức đến Thế vận hội Olympic và Paralympic 2028 tại Los Angeles, hôm nay LA28 công bố biểu tượng …

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LA28 為運動員、藝術家和倡言人提供兼容並蓄、無限可能的平台 開啟邁向2028的旅程

LA28 奧林匹克與殘障奧林匹克運動會會徽首度以活力十足的奧運和殘奧標誌傳達創新和多元的故事 洛杉磯訊 – LA28今天推出LA28奧林匹克與殘障奧林匹克運動會會徽,正式開啓邁向2028洛杉磯奧運會和殘奧會的旅程。這個全新的標誌通過運動員、藝術家和倡言人共同的聲音,歌頌運動、藝術和洛杉磯社區。奧運和殘奧的會徽靈感來自洛杉磯代表的無限可能,也肯定創造力、多元性、自我展現和兼容並蓄。 「讓運動員的聲音響徹世界,再也沒有比這更重要的時刻,」LA28 主席 Casey Wasserman 表示。「運動在環球文化裏占據特殊地位,讓全世界的人民和粉絲通過運動結合在一起。LA28 奧林匹克和殘障奧林匹克運動會將成爲個人勝利、傷心和機運的平台,我們也將因爲奧運和殘奧體認和崇敬人類的多元化和追求未來的夢想。」 為數位年代設計的會徽活力十足且以動畫呈現的 LA28會徽以數位年代為設計前提,爲了在史無前例,從此刻開始到洛杉磯奧運和殘奧到來前長達8年的旅程中常保新鮮趣味。厚實的粗體L、2和8擔任會徽基底的重任,活潑跳躍,動感十足的字母A則負責傳達一個個動人的故事。 「洛杉磯有多重面貌,絕對無法以單一方式呈現,」LA28 首席運動長,也是五面奧運獎牌得主 Janet Evans 表示。「洛杉磯之所以為洛杉磯,是因爲它的居民,所以LA28應該表現出這個特色。捕捉洛杉磯和奧運會激昂活力最好的方式,就是結合各種聲音和文化。洛杉磯好比一張無止境的畫布,讓您放情追逐最狂野的美夢;到了2028 年,數以千計的殘奧和奧運選手將齊聚洛杉磯,在全球的舞台上盡情逐夢。」 「會徽的設計完美詮釋了洛杉磯的活力、創意和強烈的社區意識,同時弘揚奧林匹克因多元而團結的信念,」LA28協調委員會主席Nicole Hoevertsz表示。「LA28 持續以創新方式讓洛杉磯和全世界人民通過奧運和殘奧結爲一體。會徽設計背後的概念,以及我們到目前為止看到的所有表達,都真實顯示出團結力量大的道理。」 代表洛杉磯和奧運會的共同聲音因爲意識到洛杉磯及奧運和殘奧所代表的一切無法以單一造型表達,運動員、藝術家和倡言人因此齊心協力共同創作 LA28會徽,透過他們個人對洛杉磯的詮釋,將自己的故事和夢想鮮活的表達出來。這群分享自己的洛杉磯故事的原創者包括:Adam Rippon、Aidan Kosaka、Alex Israel、Alex Morgan、Allyson Felix、Billie Eilish、Bobby Hundreds、Chantel Navarro、Chaz Bojórquez、Chloe Kim、Dr. Woo、Ezra Frech、Gabby Douglas、Ibtihaj Muhammad、Jamal Hill、Jorge “El Joy” Alvarez、Lauren “Lolo” Spencer、Lex Gillette、Lilly Singh、Michael Johnson、Oz Sanchez、Rachel Sumekh、Reese Witherspoon、Scout Bassett、Simone Manuel和Steven Harrington。 「洛杉磯是個充滿無限可能和無窮潛力的地方,」洛杉磯創作者兼殘奧運動員Scout Bassett 表示。「只要有足夠的勇氣和毅力並堅持為夢想付出努力,凡事皆有可能。殘障奧林匹克運動在我國蓬勃發展,所以我們可以運動為工具,改變許多人的看法和生活。」 九面奧運獎牌得主 Allyson Felix 是獲獎最多的女性田徑選手,也是洛杉磯之光。她對字母A的藝術創作靈感來自她對運動的熱愛,和她與洛杉磯的長遠淵源。「通過運動,追求卓越的文化是在洛杉磯伴隨我一路成長的夥伴,」Allyson …

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LA28 Kicks Off Journey to 2028 with Platform of Inclusion and Limitless Possibility for Athletes, Artists and Advocates

LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games Emblem Reveals Stories of Creativity and Diversity In First Dynamic Olympic and Paralympic Marks LOS ANGELES – Launching the official journey to the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Los Angeles, LA28 today unveiled the new LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games emblem through a collection of athlete, artist and advocate voices celebrating sport, art and …

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Nhiều gia đình có thể được các nhân viên Thống Kê Dân Số 2020 tiếp tục đến thăm gặp

Gặp gỡ để kiểm tra chất lượng và bảo đảm mọi người được kiểm kê. Ngày 31 tháng 8 năm 2020– Hiện các cuộc thăm dò tận nhà của những nhân viên thống kê dân số đang tiến hành. Cục Thống Kê Dân Số Hoa Kỳ  thông báo cho các gia đình rằng họ có thể được các nhân viên …

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Loss of Funding Threatens Access to World-Class Patient Care in Central Valley

Expired Agreement Impacts Specialty Care, Medical Education FRESNO, CA – Today, 28 physicians in 12 specialties lost the funding they need to continue serving patients at Community Medical Center. A contract between Central California Faculty Medical Group (CCFMG) and Community Medical Centers (CMC) that directly funded these physicians expiredSeptember 1 without a new agreement in place, jeopardizing access to much-needed …

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King County Metro is “Ready When You Are” with new safety innovations and route changes

King County Executive Dow Constantine today announced Metro is rolling out more than 1,400 first-of-their-kind automated safety partitions between passengers and the driver, to be installed on Metro buses, including Sound Transit Express buses operated by Metro. Metro also will equip over 100 buses with on-board dispensers to provide masks on the busiest routes. To provide greater operator and passenger …

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