Chicago News

PSPS is no longer under consideration across the Northern portion of our service area today as offshore winds trend weaker.

About 5,500 customers in 10 counties—Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Lake, Napa, Shasta, Solano, Sonoma, Tehama, and Yolo—previously notified about the potential PSPS today have been informed of the cancelation. Gusty winds in the Southern region of PG&E’s service area could potentially prompt a PSPS impacting about 670 customers in Kern County. Local customers have been notified that potential shutoffs could begin …

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PG&E is Sending One-Day Notifications to About 16,000 Customers

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.— Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) continues to monitor a dry offshore wind event impacting small, targeted portions of PG&E’s service area. As a result of this wind event, combined with extreme to exceptional drought conditions and extremely dry vegetation, PG&E began sending one-day advance notifications Wednesday morning to customers in areas where PG&E may need to proactively …

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Power Restored to Essentially All 25,000 Customers Affected by Oct. 11 Public Safety Power Shutoff

Aerial, Vehicle and Ground Patrols Confirm at Least Four Instances of Damage or Hazards to Electric Equipment That Could Have Sparked Fires PG&E Meteorologists Continue to Monitor Dynamic Weather Conditions for Potential Second PSPS Event of the Week Beginning Early Thursday SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has restored power to essentially all 25,000 customers in …

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With Dry Offshore Winds Again in Forecast, PG&E Might Need to Proactively Turn Off Power for Safety to About 29,000 Customers Starting Early Thursday

PG&E Sending Two-Day Notices to Alert Customers in Small, Targeted Portions of 19 Counties Who Might Be Affected by Potential Public Safety Power Shutoff PG&E Meteorologists Continue to Monitor Dynamic Weather Conditions to Determine Scope of Potential Second Event this Week After Monday’s PSPS All Customers Affected by Monday PSPS Expected to be Restored by Late Tonight SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. …

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Parent Leadership Program Puts Students First in Low Income Neighborhoods and Communities of Color Launch of new Sacramento PASS program brings together community resources, advocacy and support for local student success

WHAT: Sacramento Parents Advocating for Student Success (PASS) publicly launchesits two-year Leadership Training Institute to support the healthy social and emotionaldevelopment of local students and their families. The institute will support a cohort of 20parents to lead local school site engagement, build partnerships with other parents andadvocate for the needs of their students. Veteran parent advocates, serving as allies tothe …

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PG&E Begins Issuing Weather ‘All Clear’ in Some Locations Following Monday, October 11th Public Safety Power Shutoff

Company Expects To Restore All Customers Affected by Oct. 11 PSPS Before Next PSPS Would Begin SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) crews are patrolling lines de-energized during Monday’s Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS), after company meteorologists began issuing the weather “all-clear” for portions of areas affected by safety shutoffs. Restorations have begun where possible. Scope …

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Giải Đáp Thắc Mắc về Vắc-xin COVID-19 với Bác Sĩ Dali Fan, Đại Học UC Davis Health

Thống đốc Gavin Newsom đang chỉ đạo Bộ Y Tế Công Cộng California bổ sung vắc-xin COVID-19 vào các loại vắc-xin khác cần thiết cho việc đi học trực tiếp — chẳng hạn như bệnh sởi, quai bị, và rubella. Học sinh sẽ được yêu cầu tiêm chủng cho việc học trực tiếp, bắt đầu từ học kỳ sau khi …

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與UC Davis Health Dali Fan醫生的COVID-19 疫苗問答

州長蓋文·紐森(Gavin Newsom)指示加州公共衛生部(CDPH)把COVID-19疫苗納入親自來校上課所需疫苗之列 —— 就像其他諸如麻疹、腮腺炎及風疹的疫苗一樣。當FDA全面批准疫苗在其所在年級(7-12 與K-6)的使用後,學生們將被要求先接種疫苗,然後才能在下學期親自來校上課。如下是有關新疫苗要求的須知: 問:12歲以下的孩子什麼時候才能接種疫苗? 答:加州在繼續密切關注聯邦政府把疫苗資格範圍擴展到12歲以下孩子的過程。在我們聯邦合作夥伴及西部州科學安全工作組審查、批准之前,CDPH已經為擴展資格範圍做出計畫,並且同我們的合作夥伴及加州兒科保健服務提供者們合作,一起為注射這些疫苗做準備。 問:家長們應該為長期的副作用擔心嗎? 答:疫苗已經被證明是安全、有效的,並且現在可以為12歲以上的兒童的接種。接種疫苗後的副作用是一般是輕微且正常的。雖然相比成人,孩子們通常患COVID-19及傳播病毒的幾率都較低,但是他們得了新冠病毒後還是有可能發展成重症的。所以,確保符合資格的孩子接種疫苗,從而大大降低他們得病或把病毒傳播給他人(其中包括家中更小的孩子)的風險是非常重要的。 問:加州的新規定是什麼? 答:在FDA全面批准為兩個不同年級段使用疫苗後,從新學期開始,孩子們必須要接種疫苗以預防新冠病毒才能來校上課。此項要求將分年級段逐步被落實,首先是7-12年級,然後是K-6年級。在此要求適用于第一批學生時,學校教職員工也必須接種疫苗。 問:為孩子接種疫苗的截止日期是什麼? 答:要求將在下一學期開始時生效,即1月1日或7月1日,以較早日期為主。這會給家長和學校充分的時間來準備和落實。基於現就12歲及以上者全面批准的情況,我們預計這項要求將於2022年7月1日起適用於7-12年級。 問:老師和教務人員不是已經被要求接種疫苗了嗎? 答:現在,如果沒有接種疫苗,他們可以選擇經常接受病毒檢測,可是一旦FDA全面批准疫苗為第一批學生使用後,這個選項就不存在了。 問:如果我的孩子還不夠接種疫苗的年齡該怎麼辦? 答: 這項要求僅適用於符合接種條件的孩子。為12歲以下孩子使用的疫苗尚未被批准,但是在今年晚些時候或者明年年初就可能被批准了。 問:加州的學齡兒童還被要求接種那些疫苗? 答:要求接種疫苗才能親自來上學並不罕見。加州已經針對這些疾病為孩子們做出了免疫要求:脊髓灰質炎、白喉、破傷風和百日咳(DTaP)、麻疹、腮腺炎和風疹(MMR)、乙型肝炎和帶狀皰疹(水痘)等。 問:有任何例外嗎? 答:是的,因為健康、個人或宗教信仰原因可以有例外。未接種疫苗的學生會被允許單獨學習,但是他們不會被允許來學校上課。 問:華人社區內對於疫苗及它的安全性還存有一些擔憂。您會對那些還未接種疫苗的人說些什麼呢? 答:請接種疫苗。我們知道疫苗是非常安全的,因為它經過在了嚴格的臨床試驗,其中就包括不同性別、種族、年齡及有健康問題的參與者。並且在上百萬人接種了疫苗後,其安全性也在一直在被監控。 在2021年9月12日到9月18日之間,沒有接種疫苗的人比全劑量接種疫苗人患COVID-19的可能性高8.1倍。COVID-19疫苗為預防嚴重病症、住院、死亡提供了高度保護,其中也包括具有高傳染性的Delta變種。不要在用自己的生命去冒險了。去接種疫苗。 問:大家可以到哪裡去獲取更多有關疫苗及如何預約的訊息? 答:訪問加州的網站 或 來獲取更多有關COVID-19安全和有效性,以及如何預約的訊息。

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COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A with Dr. Dali Fan, UC Davis Health

Governor Gavin Newsom is directing the California Department of Public Health to add the COVID-19 vaccine to other vaccinations required for in-person school attendance—such as measles, mumps, and rubella. Students will be required to be vaccinated for in person learning starting the term following FDA full approval of the vaccine for their grade span (7-12 and k-6). Here’s what you …

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UPDATE: PG&E Will Begin Turning Off Power for Safety Due to Offshore Wind Event, Affecting About 25,000 Customers In Small, Targeted Portions of 20 Counties

Safety Shutoffs Will Begin Monday, October 11 around 4 a.m. Depending on Location Weather All Clears Anticipated as Early as Monday Evening, Allowing Power Restoration to Begin Tuesday Afternoon SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.— Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) confirmed it will implement a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) affecting approximately 25,000 customers in very targeted portions of 20 counties. The …

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