
Let a REAL ID be Your Lucky Charm this St. Patrick’s Day

Sacramento – Nearly 15.3 million Californians now have a REAL ID – an increase of 166,610 from the previous month – according to California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) data. The DMV is encouraging all Californians to consider getting a REAL ID driver’s license or identification card now – so wherever they go, whatever they do, luck will be upon them, …

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PG&E Mobilizing for Powerful Winter Storm Expected to Arrive in Northern California Thursday, Spread to Rest of the State Friday

Warm Weather Event May Lead to Flooding OAKLAND, Calif. – Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is mobilizing personnel ahead of a significant winter storm that will arrive Thursday afternoon and move across much of Northern and Central California Friday, bringing with it significant rain, snow levels rising to 6,000 to 8,000 feet north to south in the Sierra, as …

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Yêu Thích Các Dịch Vụ Trực Tuyến Tiện Lợi Của DMV!

Mùa xuân là thời điểm hoàn hảo cho những khởi đầu mới. Chia tay với việc trực tiếp đến văn phòng DMV, và thay vào đó lên mạng để hoàn thành hầu hết các dịch vụ của DMV! Từ gia hạn đăng ký lưu hành xe, đến thay đổi địa chỉ trên bằng lái xe hoặc thẻ căn cước, hoặc …

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春天是完美的時節來嘗試新的事物。與親自到訪DMV辦事處說再見,通過網絡服務來完成您的大部分DMV業務!從車輛登記續期到為您的駕駛執照或身份證更改地址,或者為駕駛執照續期(以及更多),DMV都在繼續為滿足您的需求而不斷增添網上服務。 問:我需要續期車輛登記;請問我需要去DMV辦事處嗎? 答:大部分人都可以無需親自去DMV來為車輛登記續期。查看來自DMV的通知以確保您符合條件。 DMV網站上提供「service advisor」, 能讓您瞭解哪些選項可供使用,比如在網上、經認證的企業夥伴處、您當地的AAA或是附近的自助服務機續期。在您開始續期之前,請確保持有: 您的車牌號 您機動車的車輛識別號碼(VIN)或船隻的船體識別號碼(HIN)。 能確認您現居住地址的續期通知。如果您搬家了,請在開始申請續期之前大約一周就更新您的地址。 您的付款信息。 問:我的駕駛執照即將過期;我可以在網上續期嗎? 答:無需來辦事處考試或作視力檢測的人都可以網上續期!通過使用DMV的便捷網上服務,只要不需要更改地址或個人描述、不是首次申請REAL ID、不是為商業駕駛執照續期,大部分人都符合通過網絡輕鬆更換駕駛執照、身份證或REAL ID的條件。 在續期時,如果您想要把自己的駕駛執照或身份證升級成REAL ID,那麼您就可以在網上開始申請,但仍需來DMV辦事處完成手續辦理。 瞭解更多有關DMV網上服務的訊息,請訪問。 注意:DMV辦事處在週末休息。

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Fall in Love with DMV’s Convenient Online Services!

Spring is the perfect time for new beginnings. Break up with in-person DMV visits and go online to complete most of your DMV tasks instead! From renewing vehicle registration to changing your address on your driver’s license or ID card, or driver’s license renewal (and much more), the DMV continues to expand its online services to meet your needs.  Question: I need to renew my …

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Sacramento Kings Join Volunteers to Clean Up Sacramento River as Part of Caltrans Stormwater and Clean California Campaigns

SACRAMENTO — The Sacramento Kings, Caltrans and more than 35 volunteers joined forces in a waterfront litter cleanup today at Robert T. Matsui Park along the Sacramento River. The cleanup event highlighted how trash and debris pollute Sacramento waterways, including through stormwater flows, and encouraged community members to join the Clean California campaign to keep lakes, rivers and streams clean. …

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PG&E Customers’ March Natural Gas Bills Expected to Decrease on Average 75%

State Climate Credit, Near-Normal Natural Gas Market Prices, and Lower Customer Usage toBring Customer Bill Relief Oakland, Calif. — After three months of higher-than-normal natural gas market prices driving up energy bills, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) customers can expect, on average, a 75% decline in their March natural gas bills. The decrease is due in part to PG&E distributing …

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Emergency SNAP Benefits End on Mar. 1

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program’s (SNAP) emergency allotments that began at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 officially end today, Mar. 1, 2023.  The emergency allotment was a temporary increase in benefits intended to address food insecurity brought on by COVID-19. The allotment already ended in 16 states and will end in Washington and the 34 other remaining states today. …

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Health Department to Offer Free Dental Screenings on Friday, March 3 – ‘Give Kids A Smile Day’

DuPage County – Each year, the DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) joins the American Dental Association (ADA) to observe the annual ‘Give Kids A Smile Day.’ This year, ‘Give Kids A Smile Day’ at DCHD is on Friday, March 3, 2023. Free dental screenings, by appointment only, will be done by DuPage County Health Department dentists. In addition, children will receive …

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冬季即將揭開序幕,隨著氣溫下降,顧客可能會使用更多的能源來取暖。同時,受到西海岸需求增加與供應緊張的影響,太平洋煤電公司 (PG&E) 為其運送給顧客的天然氣所支付的價格在今年持續上漲。 儘管顧客可能會看到自己的能源帳單上漲,但 PG&E 並未控制其為天然氣和電力支付的市場價格,PG&E 也不標記代表顧客購買的能源成本。 PG&E 在其 Currents 網站上提供了有關燃氣費上漲的更多資訊。這個網站還提供有關加州氣候減免額度的資訊。California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) 核准盡快分配信貸額度,比往年 4 月的時程表提早許多,以協助抵消高於平常的帳單。對於天然氣住宅型顧客,信貸額度為 $52.78;對於電力住宅型顧客,信貸額度為 $38.39。接受這兩種服務的顧客,將獲得 $91.17 的信貸額度。 以下是顧客可以用來管理冬日帳單的工具: 確定自己使用正確的費率計畫:查看您的個人化費率計畫比較,針對您的家戶使用能源的方式,找出最佳費率計畫。讓帳單變得可預測:利用 Budget Billing,幫您平衡每個月的款項,並且抵銷季節性高價帳單,這是一款免費工具,能把您的年度能源費用平均分配,幫助您管理每月帳單。彈性付款安排:延後您的帳單到期日或協商付款安排計畫。存取您的線上帳戶,瞭解詳細內容。 對於支付帳單有困難的客戶,可以了解有關以下方案的更多資訊。 California Alternate Rates for Energy Program (CARE)為符合收入條件的客戶,每月節省至少 20% 以上的能源費用。家庭電費援助 (FERA) 計畫 (FERA) 為家庭中三人或三人以上符合收入條件的客戶,提供每月電費折扣。低收入家庭能源援助方案 (LIHEAP) 提供高達 1,000 美元的費用,來支付符合條件的家庭能源費用。透過社區幫助的能源援助救濟(REACH)方案為有逾期帳單的合格客戶提供一次性財務援助。 顧客可能同時符合幾個計畫的資格,現在就可以開始申請或報名參加。 以下是顧客可以在今年冬天採取的降低能源成本的簡單步驟: 調低您的恆溫器。健康許可情況下,恆溫器每降低一度,您的暖氣費就可以節省大約 2%(如果日夜大部分的時間都持續把溫度調低的話)。例如,從 70 度調低到 65 度可節省 10%。 維持風口附近區域的暢通:家具與地毯會阻擋暖氣風口,導致暖氣系統需要更吃力運作,並且還會讓房間無法快速升溫。 用冷水洗衣服:只在洗衣機裝滿衣服時,用冷水清洗,進而節省熱水費用。 利用窗簾:白天拉開窗簾及百葉窗,讓室內溫暖明亮,晚上則關上窗簾及百葉窗,防止冷空氣進入。 降低熱水器溫度:把熱水器溫度設定在華氏 120 度,就能降低熱水器加熱並維持熱水溫度所需要的能源量。 有關寒冷天氣節能的更多簡單提示,請前往 …

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