
RTD Partners with Kaiser Permanente to Fight COVID-19

Stockton, CA—San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD) is excited to continue its ongoing partnership with healthcare provider Kaiser Permanante by providing free rides to the Stockton Arena in support of the mass vaccination site that opened April 7. To reach the general public within a 50-mile area, the mass clinic will be open seven days a week and be able to …

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“A Word” – Short Film Illustrates The Power of Words and Brings Awareness to Causes of Rising Anti-Asian Hate Crimes

Call It COVID, a group that aims to fight Anti-Asian violence, posted “A Word”, a spoken-word film. The short film discusses the effects of certain “words” and “phrases” such as “the China Virus” and how it has damaged the nation and Asian American communities. The film aims to bring awareness to the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes. The message condemns …

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「大莊家Journey」高球場將於4月5日及6日舉辦第14屆「CM Pro-Am」高爾夫球邀請賽

「大莊家Journey」高爾夫球場將於2021年4月5日及6日舉辦第14屆「Character Media」年度「高爾夫球職業及業餘選手混合邀請賽」(CM Pro-am)。「Journey」高球場座落於特曼庫拉酒鄉綿延起伏的山巒之間,今年已是這座具世界錦標賽級的高爾夫球場作為「官方贊助商」舉辦此項賽事的第八個年頭。由於新冠疫情(COVID-19)的影響,去年的賽事被迫臨時取消。而今年,在繼續嚴格遵循「大莊家」健康安全規章的前提下,本屆邀請賽特邀逾26位頂級的「美國女子職業高爾夫協會」LPGA高 球手及VIP嘉賓共同開賽。「大莊家Journey」高球場是「大莊家賭場度假村」旗下的錦標賽級別高爾夫球場,在眾多亞裔高爾夫球手間亦是享譽盛名。 星光璀璨的CM 2021年度「Pro-Am」邀請賽聚集了多位LPGA頂尖的專業球手,其中包括: Mi Hyang Lee、尹安琪 (Angel Yin)、Bronte Law、Chella Choi及Hee Young Park等多位知名球星。 Mi Hyang Lee目前暫列勞力士女子高爾夫世界排名第67位。她3歲時便開始練習高爾夫球運動,未滿20歲即已成為美國國內業餘球手中的領軍人物。她在2020年度ISPS Handa Women’s Australian Open澳洲女子公開賽中所取得的分站成績T6是她的單賽季最佳紀錄。 尹安琪 (Angel Yin)目前暫列勞力士女子高爾夫世界排名第69位。她於6歲起便開始接受高爾夫球訓練,並於12歲時成為「美國女子業餘高爾夫球賽」上最年輕的選手。她已創下三次排到前10名的紀錄,其中在女子高爾夫大滿貫賽事U.S. Women’s Open美國女子公開賽中獲得第二名,是她的LPGA職業生涯最好成績。 Bronte Law目前暫居勞力士排名第78位。2017年畢業於洛杉磯加大(UCLA)社會學系的她與美女球手Alison Lee曾是大學校友。在Pure Silk Championship錦標賽上憑藉一路領先的優勢而獲得勝利後,她一舉成為勞力士首次獲勝者並突破了一百萬美元職業收入大關。 Chella Choi目前位居勞力士排名第92位。她目前的賽季最佳成績是於Cambia Portland Classic菁英賽上所創下的T17紀錄。與此同時,她也是在2020年的巡迴賽上打出一桿進洞的12位球手之一。 Hee Young Park目前暫居勞力士排名第108位。迄今為止,她已成功奪得三項LPGA巡迴賽冠軍,其中包括2011年CME Group Titleholders抬頭盃,2013年Manulife Financial LPGA Classic菁英賽及2020年ISPS Handa Vic Open公開賽。 此外,受邀參與本次賽事的LPGA超強明星陣容還包括:Annie Park、Kelly Tan、Alison Lee、Robynn Ree、Jennifer Chang、Jillian Hollis、Lee Lopez、Brianna Do、Vicky Hurst、Jiwon Jeon、Harang Lee、Ilhee Lee、Rebecca …

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With Millions of Californians Still Working and Schooling from Home, Calling 811 Before Digging More Important Than Ever

Recent survey indicates that many homeowners are using their extra time at home to complete projects that require digging SAN FRANCISCO, Calif – With the arrival of spring, many Californians are thinking of starting projects to make their outdoor spaces more livable, and many of these projects will require digging. To help ensure these projects can proceed safely, and without …

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Bank of America Increases Commitment to Advance Racial Equality and Economic Opportunity to $1.25 Billion

Expansion will include actions to address racial justice and advocacy for people of Asian descent Bank of America today announced that it has increased its $1 billion, four-year commitment to advance racial equality and economic opportunity to $1.25 billion over five years. This effort further accelerates work already underway to address racial equality and opportunity through direct actions, investments and …

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2021 年度关爱 AAPI 社区活动始于牛年,但将继续超越文化庆祝的意义

位于旧金山 AARP 乐龄会的“Happy Year of the xOXo(金牛贺新年)”牛雕像将进行拍卖,以支持当地的年长者组织“Self Help for the Elderly” 2021年是牛年,对于AARP乐龄会来说,这意味着是为我们社区的长者庆祝生机和活力的一年。 AARP乐龄会继续关心不同社区的一种方式是透过为当地组织提供稳定和不断的支持。今年,AARP 乐龄会赞助了一座牛雕像的创意设计,该雕像更广为人知的名字是“Happy Year of the xOXo”牛雕像。 旧金山中华总商会 (Chinese Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco) 率先在其举办的 The Year of the Ox on Parade(牛年游行)中展示了 AARP 乐龄会的“Happy Year of the xOXo”雕像。为了庆祝牛年的到来,11 头真牛大小的牛在旧金山各地公开展示,沿着着农历贺年传统。 AARP 乐龄会能够与当地艺术家 Monique Zhang 合作,设计出反映中国文化、人民和传统的牛。 这11座牛雕像现在可供拍卖,以造福本地旧金山唐人街的非营利组织。 AARP 乐龄会赞助的「Happy Year of the xOXo」牛雕像的净收入将捐给有55年历史的 Self-Help for the Elderly (SHE),可于 3 月 …

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Crossings TV Special Report : Stop AAPI Hate – Sacramento Leaders Respond to Anti-Asian Hate Crimes

Asian American Leaders in Sacramento Respond to the rising Hate Crimes against the Asian American community and the recent Atlanta shootings. Leaders call for action and unity to #StopAAPIHATE. Leaders Dr. Richard Pan, My Sister’s House, Darrell Steinberg and more spoke to their community in regards to the racist attacks.

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Los Angeles Civil Rights – No Place for Hate Live Conversation

Los Angeles Civil Rights hosts No Place for Hate with Mayor Eric Garcetti, Mike Feuer of L.A. City Attorney’s Office, Councilmember Nithya Raman of Los Angeles City Council District 4, Chief Bea Girmala of LAPD Headquarters and Manjusha Kulkarni of Stop AAPI Hate / Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council for an event about resources for reporting hate crimes, tools for victims, communities and allies, and avenues toward …

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OCA Sacramento – “Actions Not Statements”Sacramento Leadership’s Response to Anti-Asian Hate

ACTIONS NOT STATEMENTS: Sacramento Leadership’s Response to Anti-Asian HateJoin us to speak out on our community concerns and hear from local Leaders Register at: Guest Speakers:Dr Richard Pan – SenatorDarrell Steinberg – Mayor of SacramentoAnne Marie Schubert – Sacramento County’s District AttorneyChief Daniel Hahn – Sacramento Police Department***Submit your questions for the guest speakers when you register for the Zoom …

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With Billing and Payment Scams on the Rise During the Pandemic, PG&E Reminds Customers What They Can Do to Protect Themselves

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — With utility scams on the rise during the current pandemic, it is more important than ever for customers to be vigilant and to know what steps to take to prevent themselves or their families from falling victim. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, scammers have gotten deceptively creative with increased calls, texts, emails, and in-person tactics and are …

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