Sacramento/Fresno/Stockton Events

CA Community Colleges Celebrates Undocumented Student Action Week

Các Trường Cao Đẳng Cộng Đồng California Kỷ Niệm Tuần Hành Động Thường Niên Lần Thứ 7 Dành Cho Sinh Viên Không Có Giấy Tờ Với Sự Ủng Hộ, Giáo Dục, và Hỗ Trợ Bắt Đầu TừNgày 16 Tháng 10. Tân Viện Trưởng nhấn mạnh sự cống hiến và hỗ trợ cho cộng đồng sinh viên  không có giấy tờ …

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CA Community Colleges Celebrates Undocumented Student Action Week

加州社區學院將於10月16日開始慶祝第七屆年度無證移民學生行動周,活動內容包括倡導、教育和支持 為了強調對無證移民學生的重視,新校長將今年的主題定為:「為無證移民學生創造歸屬感」 沙加緬度,加利福尼亞 —— 無證移民學生行動周(USAW)將於10月16日至20日回歸。屆時,加州社區學院將舉辦虛擬和線下研討會、網絡講座以及更多活動。學生、教職員工和行政人員將聯手行動,為無證移民學生倡導並為他們的需求提供支持。 今年的主題是:「為無證移民學生創造歸屬感」,側重於鼓勵各個學院在全校範圍內培養對無證移民學生提供支持的意識和能力,從而確保這些學生能夠安心無憂地獲取所需訊息、服務、資源和幫助——無論是在課堂上與教職員工交流還是在學院各種學生服務辦公室與工作人員和行政人員交流。 「無證移民學生是我們加州社區學院系統的核心組成部分,他們全年都對我們的社區和加州做出積極的貢獻。」校長Sonya Christian說,「無證移民學生行動周為無證移民學生提供支持,並讓每個人都知道,我們的校園將始終是一個安全的、歡迎各種背景人士的地方。」 第七屆年度無證學生行動周將於10月16日啟動。屆時,加州社區學院校長辦公室、加州社區學院基金會、加州社區學院聯盟以及全州諸多合作夥伴將在弗雷斯諾城市學院舉辦全天的線下集會,主題為「為無證移民學生創造歸屬感」。此外,行動周還將舉辦有關學生倡導、財務援助及從業者資源等主題的每日網絡講座。請上網獲取更多訊息並註冊。 在10月17日星期二,「我能上大學(I CAN)」宣傳項目將為學生及其家庭舉辦一場特別的Zoom網絡講座。這場名為「學生奮發圖強與茁壯成長」的網絡講座將詳細介紹加利福尼亞116所社區大學為無證移民學生及其家庭提供的教育機會和基本需求支持。講座現在已經開放註冊,且參與者將有機會贏得由iHeart Media捐贈的價值100美元至2,000美元的獎品,以幫助節省大學費用。 USAW成立於2016年,旨在應對試圖廢除「童年入境者暫緩遣返行動」(DACA)項目的政治行動。多年來,USAW在為通過學習來提高生活質量、獲得成功並提升整體經濟水準的移民學生提供支持方面變得更加關鍵。9月13日,得克薩斯州的一名聯邦法官裁定: Barack Obama總統於2012年通過行政令創建的DACA項目是非法的。聯邦政府正在對這一決定提出上訴,並有可能上訴至最高法院以做最終裁決。 鑒於目前的不確定性,加州社區學院校長辦公室正與全州倡導組織合作,以確保學生能夠及時獲得DACA資源和訊息。校長辦公室和我們州董事會將繼續與聯邦代表協作,力求保護DACA受益人的長期政策解決方案,並為無證移民提供全面的公民身份路徑。我們鼓勵學生們充分利用免費移民法律服務,並今天就與法律服務提供者預約。您可以訪問 以獲取更多訊息。 加州社區學院是全國最大的高等教育系統,由73個學區和116所學院組成,每年為180萬名學生提供服務。加州社區學院提供職業教育和勞動力培訓;保送轉入四年制大學;攻讀學位和證書的路徑;以及英語和數學基礎技能教育。作為該州社會和經濟發展的引擎,加州社區學院大力支持Vision 2030計劃。這是一個旨在提高學生成功率、提升轉學率和消除成就差距的戰略計劃。欲瞭解更多訊息,請訪問加州社區學院網站,或在Facebook和X(曾為Twitter)上關注我們。 ###

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CA Community Colleges Celebrates Undocumented Student Action Week

California Community Colleges Celebrates 7th Annual Undocumented Student Action Week with Advocacy, Education, and Support Beginning Oct. 16 The New Chancellor emphasizes dedication to the undocumented student population with this year’s theme: “Creating Belonging for Undocumented Students” SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Undocumented Student Week of Action (USAW) returns Oct. 16-20 with virtual and in-person workshops, webinars, and more activities as students, …

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Community Event Announcement: The All-American Rib Cookoff A Sizzling Community Event to Delight the Taste Buds and Support Local Charities

[Auburn, California] – Crime Victims United, is thrilled to announce an upcoming community event, “The All American Rib Cookoff.” This mouthwatering event is set to take place on August 12th, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at Regional Park in Auburn, California. The All-American Rib Cookoff promises to be a feast for the senses, featuring a tantalizing selection of delicious food …

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Sacramento town hall to address increase of Asian-targeted robberies along Stockton Boulevard

Reposted from KCRA news Link to original article can be found here. Maricela De La Cruz SACRAMENTO, Calif. —The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office will host a town hall on Thursday to raise awareness of robberies targeting the Asian community along Stockton Boulevard. “Are they targeting Asians because they’re Asian? No, but are they targeting Asians predominantly? Yeah, it seems that …

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SacRT Holding Two Hiring Events in June

SACRAMENTO, CA – The Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) is hosting two in-person hiring events specifically to help bring onboard more bus drivers and fill other essential positions. SacRT offers extremely generous and competitive benefits for medical, dental, paid sick leave, retirement, and tuition reimbursement. Also, signing bonuses are available for bus drivers. Hiring Event Details:Tuesday, June 6, 2023 (tomorrow)10 …

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AAPI Night Market

The AAPI Night Market is Back! The Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Night Market will return to Downtown Sacramento on Friday, May 19, 2023, from 6:00-10:00 p.m. Experience food and retail vendors, cultural performances, a full entertainment lineup, and so much more, all in a bigger event space along Capitol Mall. After a sold out event last year, you …

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Sacramento Juneteenth Festival

Save the Date Sacramento Juneteenth Festival’s 20 Year Anniversary Celebration June 16-18, 2023 William Land Park 1701 Sutterville Rd, Sacramento

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ACC Senior Services presents : What is a Hate Crime?

7334 Park City Drive April 11, Tuesday 6-7:30pm Join us for an evening of community conversations fostering understanding, and information about resources and support available for the community. Learn how to recognize a hate incident vs. a hate crime, how and what to report including violence, harassment, discrimination, shunning, and bullying. Please join us for food and refreshments at 5:30pm …

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22nd Annual Healthy Sacramento Day Offers Free Health Services and Entertainment at Heart Health Park, Home of the Sacramento Republic FC

The 22nd Annual Healthy Sacramento Day will have games and entertainment for the entire family, while providing a host of free services to everyone of all ages to improve health and connect people to needed services. The community health festival is Saturday, November 19 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Heart Health Park, home of the Sacramento Republic FC …

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