声明 | AARP 乐龄会首席执行官 Jo Ann Jenkins 谴责因新冠疫情而引起的针对亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民的仇恨犯罪浪潮

华盛顿,2021 年 3 月 4 日讯 — AARP 乐龄会首席执行官 Jo Ann Jenkins 针对近期汇编的资料发布了下列回应声明,这些资料显示全美 16 个最大城市的反亚裔仇恨犯罪率去年激增,部分更增长了三位数。 3 月 2 日的分析资料以警方初步资料为基础,来源于圣博纳迪诺的加州大学仇恨与极端主义研究中心。根据该中心的报告,第一次犯罪率激增出现在2020 年3、4月份,这与COVID-19 病例的增加以及人们对亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民(AAPI) 社区成员,尤其是华裔美国人的消极刻板印象相一致。此外,报告还显示去年的整体种族仇恨犯罪率下降,但针对 AAPI 社区成员的仇恨犯罪率却显著上升。 另一团体 Stop AAPI Hate(停止仇恨 AAPI)则在二月份报告称,其在 2020 年 3 月 19 日至年末期间收集了 126 例针对美国亚裔年长者(60 岁以上)的第一手仇恨犯罪资料。这些案例占到该团体总共接收到的 2,808 起自报案例的 7.3%。 Jenkins 表示: “我们的国家必须联合起来对抗新冠病毒,该病毒已经对美国年长者带来了极大的伤病和死亡率。这些令人不安的新的种族仇恨犯罪资料意味着年长的亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民不仅要担心被新冠病毒感染,还面临着因偏见、仇恨和排外而遭受暴力和骚扰的危险不断增加。这两项因素结合在一起,可能会对其寻求检测、治疗、资讯或疫苗接种造成障碍,而在此时刻我们整个国家必须团结一致,并竭尽所能地帮助遏制 COVID 的传播。 CDC(美国疾病控制与预防中心)前主任 Robert Redfield 曾表示,污名是公共卫生的天敌,对此我们深表赞同。 AARP 乐龄会强烈谴责所有种族冲突暴力和骚扰行为。” ### 关于AARP乐龄会 AARP乐龄会是美国最大的非营利性、无党派组织,致力于帮助和激励50岁以上的人群享有自我选择的生活方式。 AARP乐龄会在全国范围内拥有近3800万成员,它巩固并加强社区,倡导对家庭最重要的事情:健康保障,财务稳定和个人成就感。AARP乐龄会还发行全国最大的发行出版物:《AARP乐龄会杂志》和《AARP乐龄会简报》。了解更多信息,请访问中文官网 或关注AARP乐龄会微信公众号 。

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Statement from AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins Condemning Surge in Pandemic-Related Hate Crimes Targeting Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

WASHINGTON—AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins released the following statement in response to newly compiled data showing a spike last year—in some cases by triple digits—in anti-Asian hate crimes in 16 of the nation’s largest cities. The March 2 analysis comes from the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, based on preliminary police data. The …

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接受第二劑 COVID-19 疫苗之前需要瞭解的事情

如果您已經接受了兩劑 COVID-19 疫苗的第一劑,那麼恭喜您,您已經在抵禦新冠病毒的道路上。但要獲得完全免疫,接種第二劑是至關重要的。 在全國各地,有些人正在陷入混亂,因為他們出於各種原因想接種第二劑疫苗。如果您的預約被取消,位於納許維爾的 Vanderbilt University Medical Center 傳染病專家兼 National Foundation for Infectious Diseases 醫學主任 William Schaffner, M.D. 建議,不要坐等別人給您打電話,要主動重新安排接種第二劑疫苗。 在提到目前在美國使用的 Moderna 和 Pfizer 兩劑疫苗系列時,他說:「我們告訴了每個人,這些疫苗的有效性為 95%。但在接種第二劑後,疫苗的有效性也只有 95%。」 以下是關於第二劑疫苗還需要知道的幾點事項: 1. 您的副作用很可能會更強烈 對第一劑疫苗的反應很少或沒有反應的許多人都報告第二劑疫苗的副作用一齊襲來,這讓許多甚至專門研究疫苗的人都驚訝。 位於明尼蘇達州羅徹斯特的 Mayo Clinic 傳染病專家兼 Mayo 疫苗研究組主任 Greg Poland, M.D.,在第一劑疫苗後僅有輕微症狀。但接種第二劑疫苗卻讓他發冷打寒顫,體溫達到 101 華氏溫度。 疫苗裡沒有活病毒,所以接種疫苗不可能感染 COVID-19。 在 Pfizer 臨床試驗的 18 至 55 歲的參與者中,有 31% 的人在第二劑後報告發燒,而第一劑後只有 8%。疲勞、發冷、頭痛和肌肉/關節痛也是兩種疫苗的第二劑接種後的更常見症狀。 好消息是,資料顯示,年長者不太可能出現疫苗反應。在 Pfizer 試驗的年滿 55 歲的人群中,22% 的人在第二劑疫苗後出現發燒,而有 3% …

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California on Track to Reach Capacity Goal of 3 Million Vaccines Per Week, Pending Available Supply

California to Move to Single Statewide Vaccine Eligibility Standard on March 1, Eliminating Confusion Caused by Varying County Standards State Vaccine Network Transition begins in phases starting March 1; Full Operation Expected by End of March My Turn to Become Leading Source for Scheduling Appointments Over Time SACRAMENTO –Taking another step to fulfill Gov. Gavin Newsom’s charge to build a …

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SacRT Offers Free Rides to COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments

SACRAMENTO, CA – The Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) will begin offering free transit rides to everyone who needs to get to a scheduled COVID-19 vaccine appointment location beginning on Monday, March 1, 2021. The free rides include all vaccination sites in Sacramento County within SacRT’s service area, including hospitals, pharmacies, and other immunization locations. To ride free, customers need …

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加州大學舊金山分校亞裔健康研究院 新冠肺炎病疫(粵英語) 視像城市論壇第十二集

CSF Asian Health Institute12th Covid-19 Virtual Town Hall MeetingBilingual (Cantonese/English)  (Zoom Only)加州大學舊金山分校亞裔健康研究院  新冠肺炎病疫(粵英語) 視像城市論壇第十二集 Wednesday 星期三February 24,   二月二十四日, 2021下午 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM (PST) CoVID-19 Virtual Community Town Hall Moderator / Panelist 論壇主持Diana Lau, PhD, RN, CNS  劉雪艷博士Director,  UCSF Asian Health Institute 加州大學亞裔健康研究院主任 Panelists 演講嘉賓Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH  甘地·莫妮卡醫學博士Professor, Department of Medicine, UCSFAssociate Division Chief (Clinical Operations/ Education) of the Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases, …

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PG&E Extends Its Ongoing Support to Customers Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic Through End of June

Numerous Customer Protection and Financial-Assistance Resources Continue During These Trying Times SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.— In response to the ongoing economic challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) said it will extend the existing COVID 19 customer protections through June 30, 2021. The protections were set to expire on April 16. This comes after a vote …

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Mayor Garcetti Announces ‘Mobile Outreach for Vaccine Equity’ (Move) Program

Mayor Garcetti and Vaccine

New effort builds on City’s pilot initiative that administered over 4,000 vaccines in communities of color in its first two weeks LOS ANGELES –– Mayor Eric Garcetti today announced the launch of the Mobile Outreach for Vaccine Equity (MOVE) program –– an effort to scale up mobile vaccinations in some of the most vulnerable parts of Los Angeles. This groundbreaking …

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California Labor & Workforce Development Agency Launches New Employer Portal for COVID-19 Industry Guidance

 Employer Portal for COVID-19New portal serves as a central hub of workplace information for employers during the pandemic SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The California Labor & Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) recently launched a new Employer Portal, a one-stop hub for California employers to quickly find up-to-date state and local county COVID-19 guidance by business industry. The portal can be accessed at, …

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Second Application Round Opens for California’s Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program

Application period ends February 8 Free application webinars offered daily in several languages Sacramento, CA – California’s Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA), part of the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), today announced that Round 2 of the Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program is open.  The $500 million program is intended for small businesses and nonprofits …

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