Chicago News

天河大賭場宣布全新高級豪華的 “ The Humidor” 波本威士忌雪茄酒廊即將隆重登場

天河大賭場宣布即將開設 The Humidor,這是一家全新讓賓客尊享現代高級品味的豪華波 本威士忌及雪茄酒廊,將於今年內開業。 此酒廊將設於「天河」最受歡迎的 32 Brews Street 運動酒吧的緊鄰。 天河大賭場總裁兼首席運營官 Chris Gibase 表示:「我們很高興能夠在天河大賭場內新增開設另一個獨特而優秀的酒廊。The Humidor 採用了溫馨的裝飾,以豐富、溫暖的色彩和柔和的燈光為特色,將迎合波本威士忌、威士忌和雪茄愛好者的需求,讓他們可以在輕鬆 的環境中享受聊天交流及悠閒娛樂。」 The Humidor 酒廊更將提供給波本威士忌和威士忌愛好者所有最好的流行品牌威士忌和雪 茄享受。 當 The Humidor 酒廊正式開業後,天河大賭場將會擁有共 18 家酒吧、餐飲食府及酒廊, 讓賓客可以品嘗更多全方位的特色美食,從 The Humidor,以至 SR Prime Steakhouse、32 Brews Street、俏龍軒、River Bar、Rock Bar 及 The Market 美食廣場,任君選擇,快來 「天河大賭場」體驗最佳的美饌新境界。 如欲了解更多有關 天河大賭場及推廣優惠、餐廳營業時間等其他資訊,請致電 916-866- 0200 或登錄官方網頁。  「天河貴賓會員卡」   「天河貴賓會員卡」是北加州眾多賭場中融合高科技的貴賓會員獎勵計劃之一,容讓貴 賓會員可以無須貴賓卡或現金也能夠輕鬆玩樂。「天河貴賓會員卡」是獲取積分享受所有娛樂活動的萬能鑰匙,積分可用於 Free Play 或作餐飲付費。現在成為「天河貴賓會員卡」會員,您可以立即獲得 $20 Free Play 作為開設會員帳戶的獎賞,只需要在任何一部老虎機下注即可使用 Free Play 獎賞。「天河貴賓會員卡」可透過電腦、平板或有拍照功能的手機在線上註冊登記。  …

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스카이 리버 카지노, 버번 & 시가 라운지 ‘더 휴미더’ 오픈 발표

올 연말 서비스 제공을 목표로 이른 시일 내 착공 2023년 6월 8일 캘리포니아주 엘크 그로브 – 스카이 리버 카지노는 고급스러운 분위기를 즐길 수 있는 버번 & 시가 라운지 ‘더 휴미더 ( The Humidor)’ 오픈 계획을 발표했다. 곧 공사가 시작될 이 라운지는 카지노 내 인기 스포츠 바이자 펍인 ‘32 브루스 스트리트(32 Brews Street)’ 옆에 자리 잡게 될 예정이다. 엘크 그로브를 통과하는 …

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Sky River Casino Announces Plans For “the Humidor,” An All-new Bourbon & Cigar Lounge

Construction will begin soon with planned opening for newest on-site offering expected later this year. ELK GROVE, Calif. (June 8, 2023) – Sky River Casino is excited to announce plans for The Humidor, an all-new bourbon and cigar lounge, which will open later this year. Construction will get underway soon for the new establishment that will be located next to …

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Vở Nhạc Kịch Aladdin Của Disney Giới Thiệu Chuyến Lưu Diễn Bắc Mỹ Với Hình Ảnh Mới Mẻ Để Những Khán Giả Mới Được Trải Nghiệm Vở Nhạc Kịch Broadway Nổi Tiếng

Disney Theatrical Productions under the direction of Thomas Schumacher presents Aladdin, the new musical, music by Alan Menken, lyrrics by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice, book and additional lyrics by Chad Beguelin at the Ed Mirvish Theatre in Toronto, Canada, starring: Adam Jacobs (Aladdin), James Monroe Iglehart (Genie), Courtney Reed (Jasmine), Brian Gonzales (Babkak), Brandon O’Neill (Kassim), Jonathan Schwartz (Omar), …

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迪士尼的 Aladdin 推出了全新創作 北美巡迴演出 讓新觀眾得以體驗這個熱門百老匯音樂劇

Disney Theatrical Productions under the direction of Thomas Schumacher presents Aladdin, the new musical, music by Alan Menken, lyrrics by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice, book and additional lyrics by Chad Beguelin at the Ed Mirvish Theatre in Toronto, Canada, starring: Adam Jacobs (Aladdin), James Monroe Iglehart (Genie), Courtney Reed (Jasmine), Brian Gonzales (Babkak), Brandon O’Neill (Kassim), Jonathan Schwartz (Omar), …

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迪士尼的Aladdin 推出了全新创作 北美巡回演出 让新观众得以体验这个热门百老汇音乐剧

Disney Theatrical Productions under the direction of Thomas Schumacher presents Aladdin, the new musical, music by Alan Menken, lyrrics by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice, book and additional lyrics by Chad Beguelin at the Ed Mirvish Theatre in Toronto, Canada, starring: Adam Jacobs (Aladdin), James Monroe Iglehart (Genie), Courtney Reed (Jasmine), Brian Gonzales (Babkak), Brandon O’Neill (Kassim), Jonathan Schwartz (Omar), …

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디즈니의 알라딘(Aladdin)은 새로운 상상을 선보이는 북미 투어를 통해 새로운 관객들에게 히트 브로드웨이 뮤지컬을 경험할 기회를 드립니다.

Disney Theatrical Productions under the direction of Thomas Schumacher presents Aladdin, the new musical, music by Alan Menken, lyrrics by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice, book and additional lyrics by Chad Beguelin at the Ed Mirvish Theatre in Toronto, Canada, starring: Adam Jacobs (Aladdin), James Monroe Iglehart (Genie), Courtney Reed (Jasmine), Brian Gonzales (Babkak), Brandon O’Neill (Kassim), Jonathan Schwartz (Omar), …

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Disney’s Aladdin Launches a Newly-Imagined North American Tour Allowing New Audiences to Experience the Hit Broadway Musical

Disney Theatrical Productions under the direction of Thomas Schumacher presents Aladdin, the new musical, music by Alan Menken, lyrrics by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice, book and additional lyrics by Chad Beguelin at the Ed Mirvish Theatre in Toronto, Canada, starring: Adam Jacobs (Aladdin), James Monroe Iglehart (Genie), Courtney Reed (Jasmine), Brian Gonzales (Babkak), Brandon O’Neill (Kassim), Jonathan Schwartz (Omar), …

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沙加緬度 ——有超過160萬殘疾人停車證持有者已使用加利福尼亞州機動車輛管理局的新流程進行了續期。對於錯過了今年6月30日截止日期的人來說,現在續期還來得及。 2022年12月,加利福尼亞州機動車輛管理局向200多萬殘疾人停車證(DPP)持有者發送了續期信函,通知其在2023年6月30日之前依據新法規要求提供簽名。 「停車證持有者以前從未擔心過續期問題,但是DMV開發了一種便捷的、可以預防欺詐行為的在線續期方式。」DMV局長Steve Gordon說,「如果您的停車證在6月30日已到期,但仍未續期,那麼就請您加入已經續期的、四分之三符合條件的停車證持有者的行列。續期晚了沒有罰款或費用,而且您還可以避免因使用過期停車證在殘疾人專用泊車位停車而被罰款的風險。」 這是加利福尼亞州首次要求擁有停車證超過六年的居民通過在線、信件或親自到訪辦事處簽署續期通知書的方式,向DMV正式確認他們仍然需要停車證。約40%的續期都是通過DMV新的、易於使用的在線DPP續期門戶辦理,約45%的續期是通過信件辦理,其餘的則是在DMV辦事處完成辦理。由於種種原因,一部分停車證將因為不再需要而不會被續期 ——這有助於預防停車證的欺詐使用。 持有人可以通過訪問網站輕鬆地在線完成所有停車證續期手續。在開始續期前,顧客們需要準備好停車證ID號碼和停車證信息卡上的全名。續期是免費的,且無需醫生證明。 進行續期,停車證持有人必須: 有停車證號碼或續期認證碼(RIN)。 訪問。 在續期通知書上提供電子簽名。 停車證持有者也可以在DMV辦事處進行續期,或者通過簽署並寄回收到的紙質續期通知書進行續期。郵資需自付。 以後,停車證持有者每六年都將需要續期一次。受影響的顧客們將收到來自DMV的續期信函。我們鼓勵任何希望就停車證續期經歷提供反饋的客戶來參與我們的調查。

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Californians Can Still Renew Disabled Person Parking Placards After June 30 Deadline

More than 1.6 million placard holders have renewed their disabled person parking placards using a new process with the California Department of Motor Vehicles. And for those who missed this year’s June 30 deadline, it’s not too late to renew. In December 2022, the California Department of Motor Vehicles sent renewal letters to just over 2 million disabled person parking …

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