Chicago News

DCYF Submits Revised Program Improvement Plan to Children’s Bureau

Olympia – Today, the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) submitted a revised Program Improvement Plan (PIP) to the federal Children’s Bureau. The plan details the agency’s child welfare approach to improving safety, permanency and well-being outcomes for children and families, as well as significantly reducing the number of children in out-of-home care. The revised PIP incorporates …

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Executive Constantine announces plan to re-open limited business activity in COVID-19 recovery

King County Executive Dow Constantine, in consultation with Public Health – Seattle & King County leaders, announced that pending state approval, King County will begin to re-open some business activity with limited or modified openings for a number of sectors. NOTE: 1:30 p.m. June 1: King County has not yet submitted our application for the modified phase of the Safe …

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Asian Smokers’ Quitline (ASQ) still operates during COVID-19 outbreak. Quit smoking while staying at home

For many of us, the coronavirus means staying at home for an extended period of time. While it may be disappointing to hear that events are being cancelled, these measures are necessary to help slow down the spread of the outbreak. At the same time, being at home gives us a chance to make some positive changes, whether it is …

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60% hộ gia đình tại Hoa Kỳ đã chọn cách trả lời trên mạng để trả lời Thống Kê Dân Số 2020

Vẫn chưa quá muộn đâu. Vẫn còn thời gian để điền Thống Kê Dân Số 2020 trên mạng, qua điện thoại hoặc qua thư!  Thống Kê Dân Số 2020 đang diễn ra đúng tiến độ với hơn 60 phần trăm các hộ gia đình tại Hoa Kỳ đã trả lời bản câu hỏi trắc nghiệm – đó là gần 89 …

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60% ng mga sambahayan ng Estados Unidos, na mas gustong sumagot online, ay sumagot na sa 2020 Census.

Hindi pa huli, may oras pa upang sumagot sa 2020 Census online, sa pamamagitan ng telepono o sa pamamagitan ng koreo!  Higit sa 60 porsyento ng mga sambahayan ng Estados Unidos ang sumagot na sa palatanungan ng 2020 Census — halos 89 milyong mga sagot. Pinagsisikap ng Census na makakuha ng tumpak na bilang ng ating mga magkakaibang mga pamayanan …

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60% of U.S. households, who prefer online method, have responded to the 2020 Census

It’s not too late, there’s still time to fill out the 2020 Census online, by phone or by mail!  The 2020 Census is on track with more than 60 percent of U.S. households responding to the questionnaire—that’s nearly 89 million responses. Efforts are underway to get an accurate count of all diverse communities in this nation.  Four out of every …

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Madera Increases COVID-19 Testing with New Community Testing Site at Madera Fairgrounds

Madera County has launched a new testing site in the City of Madera at the Madera Fairgrounds as of Wednesday, May 27, 2020. This new site is one of the many testing sites across the state offered through a partnership with OptumServe, the federal government health services business of Optum, a leading health services innovation company. “This testing site will …

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Key Messages from Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti (Russian)

Key Messages Week of 5/11 – Russian Постановление «Безопаснее дома». Постановление «Безопаснее дома» продлевается на срок после 15 мая. В зависимости от состояния общественного здравоохранения, администрация города будет постепенно менять порядок для разрешения более безопасной деятельности, открытия большего количества предприятий и возможности большего количества населения вернуться к работе. Повязки для лица. Мэр Гарсетти издал распоряжение, согласно которому жители должны носить …

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Key Messages from Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti – Hindi

घर मेंसुरक्षित रहनेका आदेश: घर मेंसुरक्षित रहनेके आदेश को 15 मई सेआगेबढा क्षदया गया है।सार्वजक्षनक स्वास्थ्य स्थिक्षतयोोंके आधार पर, शहर धीरे-धीरेइस आदेश को सोंशोक्षधत करेगा – सुरक्षित रूप सेगक्षतक्षर्क्षधयोों, व्यर्सायोोंके सोंचालन, और शहर क्षनर्ाक्षसयोोंको काम पेलौटनेकी िमता सीमा बड़ाई जाएगी। चेहरेका ढकना: मेयर गासेटी के आदेश के तहत सभी क्षनर्ाक्षसओोंको घर सेक्षनकलतेही चेहरा ढकने की आर्श्यकता है। २ साल की …

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