
CDPH’s Dr. Erica Pan Provides Guidance for Parents About Winter Viruses

State Epidemiologist and Pediatrician Shares How to Care for Children at Home and What Symptoms Parents Should Look Out For SACRAMENTO – As Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), the flu and COVID-19 continue to impact Californians earlier than usual this year, state Epidemiologist Dr. Erica Pan urges everyone across the state to protect themselves and their families against many circulating viruses. “As we prepare for …

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「天河大賭場」亞洲市場客戶發展部 竭誠為您服務 —超越無限

「天河大賭場」致力於為賓客提供無與倫比,超越期許的客戶服務。「天河」積極承諾成為茁壯社區的一份子,提供多元化語言及文化的賭場接待團隊,確保每位嘉賓都能賓至如歸,享受最滿意的玩樂體驗。接待團隊將會為賓客提供玩樂、住宿、餐廳預訂等方方面面的協助,最周到服務為賓客解決問題,用真誠的服務換客戶滿意的微笑。讓賓客可以輕輕鬆鬆,盡情享受賭場眾多的休閒娛樂設施。 客户發展部總監: Robyn Hood Robyn Hood是博彩業資深業者,有逾30年的豐富經驗。在愛荷華州出生成長,愛荷華大學(University of Iowa)教育學學士。1991年,她前往內華達州雷諾市在Flamingo Hilton Reno展開了她的賭場職業生涯。此後,她轉往北內華達多間賭場擔任行政客户專員(Executive Casino Host),其中包括John Ascuaga’s Nugget、Atlantis Casino Resort Spa及Siena Hotel Spa Casino。受到藍天碧海及溫暖陽光的吸引,她於2003年來到加州協助「發達谷大賭場」開業。此後,她又先後加盟Red Hawk Casino及Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort。最終,她加入「天河」大家庭肩負起客户發展部總監一職。休閒時的Robyn喜愛與家人及朋友共享時光,觀看體育節目,享受高爾夫、遠足及保齡球的樂趣。工作之餘,她喜歡參加品酒會及光顧新餐廳嘗試各種美食。Robyn更是小動物的忠實粉絲,對小動物無限的愛是她的軟肋。 客戶發展部經理:李權 Khin Lay 李權現為「天河大賭場」Sky River Casino亞洲市場客戶發展部經理,精通國語、粵語及英語。他在1980年從中國移民到美國,年僅5歲。在沙加緬度長大,完成小學及中學後,於加大戴維斯分校(UC Davis)深造,取得理學士學位。李權畢業後曾於硅谷高科技公司任職數年,2004年回到沙加緬度,對武術有豐富經驗的他並開設了一家中國功夫武館。他於2013年首次涉足博彩業,加入「發達谷大賭場」為賭場行政客户專員。經歴近10年的業內磨煉,李權加入「天河大賭場」管理層,帶領其華語、越南語、韓國語及其他亞裔專屬客戶服務團隊,為亞洲市場客人提供貴賓式的款待及精選優惠, 務求為賓客提供卓越服務,期待天河大賭場更上一層樓。 請聯絡專屬亞洲市場客戶發展部服務團隊,計劃您親臨體驗「天河大賭場」的旅程。  「天河貴賓會員卡」 「天河貴賓會員卡」是北加州眾多賭場中融合高科技的貴賓會員獎勵計劃之一,容讓貴賓會員可以無須貴賓卡或現金也能夠輕鬆玩樂。「天河貴賓會員卡」是獲取積分享受所有娛樂活動的萬能鑰匙,積分可用於Free Play或作餐飲付費。現在成為「天河貴賓會員卡」會員,您可以立即獲得 $20 Free Play作為開設會員帳戶的獎賞,只需要在任何一部老虎機下注即可使用Free Play獎賞。「天河貴賓會員卡」可透過電腦、平板或有拍照功能的手機在線上註冊登記。 「天河大賭場」優質吃喝玩樂新熱點 「天河大賭場」是威爾頓部落(Wilton Rancheria)與Boyd Gaming公司的合作項目, 由Boyd Gaming 負責為部落承建及管理經營。賭場於2022年8月開業,提供面積達 100,000 平方呎的博彩娛樂場地,2,000部最熱門老虎機、超逾80枱桌面遊戲及17家中西餐飲食府及美食廣場。瞭解詳情,請登錄。

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Sky River Casino’s Asian Marketing & Player Development Team Is Dedicated to Serving You – To Infinity, and Beyond

Sky River Casino strives to exceed expectations and deliver exceptional service to guests. With commitment to being part of the growing community, Sky River offers diverse team of casino hosts to ensure that every guest feels welcome and has a positive experience. The host members will assist guests with play, stay accommodations, restaurant reservations and more. Sky River hospitality team …

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Đội Tiếp Thị & Phát Triển Lượng Khách Á Châu của Sòng Bài Sky River Casino Tận Tâm Phục Vụ Quý Vị – Hết Mức, và Trên Nữa

Sky River Casino nỗ lực vượt mọi trông đợi và cống hiến sự phục vụ tuyệt hảo tới mọi vị khách trân quý. Với cam kết làm một thành phần của cộng đồng ngày càng lớn mạnh của chúng ta, Sky River cống hiến một đội ngũ ‘casino host – tiếp tân’ đa dạng để bảo đảm rằng mọi vị …

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Winter Storm Moves through Northern and Central California Bringing Rain and Snow; Hundreds of PG&E Personnel Responding to Local Power Outages

Crews and Resources Positioned Proactively to Restore Power Safely and as Quickly as Possible OAKLAND, Calif. — Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) crews are responding to local power outages from a storm system that is continuing to move through its service territory and is forecasted to last until Wednesday morning. Since Monday morning, PG&E has restored more than 60,000 customers who …

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Rain and Snow Throughout Northern California Serves as Reminder to Practice Winter Storm Safety

OAKLAND, Calif. — A series of November weather systems is bringing welcome rain and snow to much of Northern California and serves as a reminder of the importance of winter storm safety. In addition to the rain and snow that fell earlier this week across Northern California, additional storm systems are expected to pass intermittently through the area beginning Saturday …

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FINAL UPDATE: No PSPS due to improving weather conditions

Given improved weather conditions, PG&E has notified all customers that no Public Safety Power Shutoffs will be necessary. We had previously notified about 5,800 customers in 13 counties and two tribal communities that a safety shutoff might be needed. Groups of customers were notified Sunday and Monday that a PSPS would not be needed. At 11 a.m. Monday, we have notified …

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10/23 UPDATE: Potential PSPS this weekend decreased in scope due to improving weather conditions

Given improved weather conditions, PG&E on Sunday afternoon reduced the scope of its potential Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) for this weekend. About 1,000 customers in portions of Glenn, Colusa, Stanislaus and Yolo counties are no longer being considered for a safety shutoff.  As of Sunday at 8 p.m., PG&E had not initiated a PSPS for any of the 5,800 …

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UPDATE: Potential PSPS this Saturday might impact about 5,800 customers in 13 counties

No major change in terms of the scope of the PSPS this weekend. At this point, we anticipate this PSPS event is smaller in scale impacting very targeted, local communities. We will keep you posted if there is any changes in the scope. Potential affected counties and customers: o             Butte: 431 customers, 32 Medical Baseline customers o             Colusa: 559 customers, …

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Sacramento Region Awarded $5 Million for Inclusive Economic Planning

Sacramento, CA – October 21, 2022: The Sacramento Region scored a significant win via an award of $5 million dollars in planning money from the Community Economic Resilience Fund (“CERF”) program. The program – developed and led by the Employment Development Department (EDD), the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (Go-Biz), and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research …

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