Santa Clara County’ Office of Immigrant Relation Launches Outreach and Recruitment for Eligible DACA Recipients for New American Fellowship

SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIF.— The County of Santa Clara is offering the New AmericansFellowship program to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients living, working, or going to school in Santa Clara County. The New Americans Fellowship (NAF), a 10-week leadership program that runs from June through September 2021, offers a stipend of up to $10,000 to cover living expenses. The application is available at and is due by the end of the day on March 1, 2021.

“The New Americans Fellowship brings to our organization bold, impactful thinkers who enrich so many of the County’s safety-net programs,” said Chief Operating Officer Miguel Márquez, who has had the privilege of working with Fellows on their projects. “We look forward to learning from the personal, innovative perspectives of our 2021 NAF cohort.”

Fellows receive mentoring and career pipeline support from County leaders and from various mentoring County departments. As part of the Fellowship, participants gain transferable skills and professional development in the areas of research and policy analysis, public communication, group facilitation, and project management. They are also trained to serve as community ambassadors to improve and expand immigrant integration.

“The New Americans Fellowship is an opportunity for Dreamers to gain leadership and career experience within Santa Clara County. This fellowship offers more than technical skills – it supports networking with mentors and with other Fellows who share similar experiences,” said Zelica Rodríguez-Deams, Office of Immigrant Relations (OIR) Director. “We have seen Fellows earn gainful employment, offer important recommendations to improve County processes and programs, and learn about how the County comprehensively serves the immigrant community. More importantly, we have been inspired by the Fellows as they continue to learn, grow, and succeed, while honoring their families’ sacrifice and perseverance.”

The Office of Immigrant Relations (OIR) is committed to building a welcoming, equitable, and just county that supports the full potential of all residents. Within the framework of Welcoming Communities, the County created the New Americans Fellowship program for DACA recipients with skills and tools to serve as ambassadors of change and inclusion in the community.

About the Fellowship

  • 10-week program between June 2021 – September 2021.
  • Up to $10,000 stipend to cover living expenses.
  • Fellows’ projects for the 10 weeks typically require full-time commitment.
  • Fellows work on a research and/or community engagement project focused on immigrant integration.
  • Fellows are assigned to engage regularly and communicate with various County departments and County leaders during the fellowship
  • Mentoring departments and leading County staff will provide mentorship support to Fellows to understand the County’s safety-net programs and to apply an immigrant community lens to all projects.
  • Professional development experience in the context of County government.
  • Engage Fellows in developing research and policy recommendations.

How to Apply

  • Complete the application at is March 1, 2021)
  • Provide 1-2 letters of recommendation from individuals or organizations you have worked or collaborated with that can provide insight to your public service activities and leadership skills (deadline for recommendation letters is March 8, 2021)
  • College transcript(s)
  • Analytical or other academic writing sample (3-5 pages long)

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