Seattle News

PG&E Conducts Large-Scale Earthquake Exercise at New Emergency Operations Facility

Hundreds of Employees Converge on Vacaville and Other Locations to Practice Getting Ready for the Big One VACAVILLE, Calif.— Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) conducted a large-scale earthquake exercise on Thursday, Jan. 23, at its new emergency operations center in Vacaville. Hundreds of PG&E employees at that location and elsewhere across the service area took part in the emergency exercise, …

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2020 Census Applicant Appreciation Events (Washington State)

The US Census is recruiting Supervisory & Non-Supervisory Positions across Washington. People who speak other languages are encouraged to apply. Reimbursement for work-related mileage and expenses, flexible hours, paid training, work in your community, weekly paychecks. Learn about job opportunities at the following 2020 Census Applicant Appreciation Event locations:   King County $23.00 – $25.50 per hour Friday, January 31, …

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Fresno Housing to Break Ground on New Housing Community for Families in Clovis

CLOVIS, Calif. — Fresno Housing and the City of Clovis will celebrate its new housing community in Clovis with a groundbreaking ceremony and unveiling of the architectural renderings for Solivita Commons, affordable housing designed for families, at 11 a.m. Tuesday, January 28. Solivita Commons is located at 725 W. Alluvial, Clovis, CA 93611. Solivita Commons will offer families a welcoming …

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2020 Census Starts in Toksook Bay, Alaska

Census Takers Begin Counting Remainder of 220 Remote Alaska Villages as Part of National Headcount January 21, 2020 – Today, the U.S. Census Bureau Director Steven Dillingham kicked off the 2020 Census in the remote Alaska Native village of Toksook Bay — counting the first person and household in the nation’s once a decade count. “The 2020 Census is critically important. No …

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PG&E Reaches Agreement with Ad Hoc Noteholder Committee

Ad Hoc Noteholder Committee to Support PG&E’s Plan of Reorganization SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — PG&E Corporation and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (the “Utility”; together, “PG&E”) have reached an agreement with all claim holders (the “Consenting Noteholders”) who executed commitment letters in support of the alternative Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization filed by the Ad Hoc Committee of Senior Unsecured …

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PG&E Offers Energy Saving Tips for Cold Winter Temps

Here are Some Smart, Simple Steps to Help Save Energy and Stay Safe SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.— Winter in California means heading to the Sierra to enjoy the snow or curling up on the couch binge-watching your favorite shows. It also means that longer nights and colder days likely leads to using more natural gas to heat your home or apartment. …

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「大莊家賭場度假村」恭祝各位 錦繡興旺‧喜盈賀歲

與您歡慶新春CADILLAC轎車及獎賞送大禮 為慶祝2020農曆新年的到來,「大莊家賭場度假村」將於一月份及二月份隆重呈獻連串喜慶活動及節目,讓您開開心心來行大運發新年財。 農曆新春CADILLAC轎車及獎賞送大禮 為迎接新歲來臨,「大莊家」將於1月19及26日 (星期日),舉行幸運大抽獎活動,每個抽奬日將會有60位幸運兒贏取EASYPLAY 獎賞及一名幸運兒贏取2020 CADILLAC CT5轎車一部。只要在抽奬活動日下午12時 – 4時玩角子老虎機或賭桌遊戲來賺取抽獎機會,便可以有機會贏取多次獎賞。抽奬由下午一時開始抽出 25位幸運兒贏取$100 EasyPlay ®獎賞,下午2時抽出20位幸運兒贏取 $250 EasyPlay 獎,下午3時抽出15位幸運兒贏取 $500 EasyPlay 獎賞,幸運頭獎一名可贏取2020 CADILLAC CT5轎車一部,將於下午4時抽出。快來參加「農曆新春幸運大抽獎」,迎接新春好彩頭,總之多玩多賞。 「好運紅包」送大禮 除此之外,農曆新年還有「好運紅包」送大禮,將會在二月份的星期二舉行,會員只需在活動期內的下午1時至晚9時蒞臨推廣活動區刷刷會員卡就有機會贏取高達$1,000 EasyPlay® 獎賞。 炮竹賀新歲及醒獅匯演將於1月25日年初一舉行 為慶祝農暦新春佳節,「大莊家」亦安排了一年一度的精彩好運醒獅匯演!將於1月25日下午5時開始,首先燃放炮竹賀新歲的到來,接著代表著吉祥與好運的“醒獅” 隊伍,由「大莊家」賭場北面入口處開始,一直巡遊進入賭場內,圍繞整個賭場大廳展開精彩的演出,大家將可獲派這些在傳統中代表萬事如意的紅包餵給金獅,祈福新年行大運。 新春節慶傳統賀年裝飾 農曆新年象徵著新一年的開始,萬象更新。「大莊家賭場度假村」為慶祝這個新春佳節,將以傳統新年佈置為主題。包括喜氣洋洋的大紅燈籠、亞洲風格的橋樑、春意盎然的桃花、傳統書法題詞等,讓大家以節日歡樂的氣氛作背景為家人拍全家福或自拍。 如欲瞭解更多「大莊家」活動及優惠詳情,請致電(877) 711-2946或登錄網站。必須年滿21歲或以上方可參與各項優惠活動。 萬勿錯過各項農曆新春的精彩慶祝活動,請即預訂「大莊家」擁有逾千間房間的星級酒店,新酒店大樓擁有不同風格,景觀怡人,落地玻璃窗的豪華大套房及客房。快來「大莊家」親身體驗星級玩樂,享受尊貴禮遇。 大莊家賭場度假村匯集精彩多姿的娛樂 「大莊家賭場度假村」為美國其中之一間最大規模及提供最尊貴的賭場度假體驗。榮獲USA Today 讀者票選為全美最佳賭場第一名。並自2002年起一直被AAA評為四鑽級酒店,無論是日間玩樂還是豪華住宿,「大莊家賭場度假村」總會帶給您無與倫比的悠閒度假環境,擁有超過5,000多部角子老虎機,賭桌娛樂,頂級娛樂節目,福布斯旅遊指南推介的1,090間豪華酒店套房及客房,星級餐飲食府,享受獲福布斯評為四星級的水療護理讓您煥發身心,以及世界錦標賽級的Journey高爾夫球場。「大莊家賭場度假村」致力滿足客人及社區的需求,並與時俱進超越期許。魯瑟諾印第安人中的Pechanga族人擁有並經營「大莊家賭場度假村」。更多詳情,請致電免費專線(877) 711-2946,或瀏覽。點擊喜歡大莊家賭場度假村Facebook網頁( ,以及Twitter@PechangaCasino。必須年滿21歲或以上方可參與博彩活動。   All of Us at Pechanga Resort Casino Wish You a Joyful Lunar New Year Celebrates the Lunar New Year of 2020 …

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PG&E Alerts Customers: Have a Plan for Cold, Wet and Windy Weather

Potential Outages Are Possible Due to Approaching Weather SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.—With unsettled weather expected to return to its service area this week, PG&E is asking customers to have a plan for inclement weather and be prepared for unexpected power outages. PG&E meteorologists are forecasting a change in the weather pattern over Northern and Central California later this week. The most …

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與 U.S. Bank 全美銀行一同迎接福氣富貴的一年

U.S. Bank 全美銀行將於全國分行及各地慶典中歡慶農曆新年。 U.S. Bank 全美銀行多元文化行銷副總裁 吳凱明Della Ng 表示:「農曆新年的意義是與家人朋友分享喜悅和福氣。我們很開心能和社群一起慶祝鼠年到來,也會在接下來的一整年支持非營利組織為亞裔社群創造向上發展的機會;我們提倡的「社群可能性」(Community Possible)就包含著這項重要工作。」 敬請前往參與活動的 U.S. Bank 全美銀行分行,領取 2020 農曆新年月曆和紅包袋(送完為止)。 U.S. Bank 全美銀行致力服務全國亞裔社群 U.S. Bank 全美銀行參與芝加哥、洛杉磯、聖地牙哥、舊金山及西雅圖等國內各地的慶典,透過與地方非營利組織的合作及員工活動,歡慶農曆新年。欲知詳情,請前往。 強化芝加哥的華人社群 U.S. Bank 全美銀行很榮幸能贊助華人諮詢服務處 (Chinese American Service League, CASL)。此非營利社會服務機構旨在加強大芝加哥地區華人社群所有年齡及背景人士的身體、經濟與心理健康。當地員工會進一步透過 CASL 舉辦購屋教育、財務教育和稅務講座,為華人社群提供服務。 U.S. Bank 全美銀行芝加哥唐人街永活 (Chinatown Wentworth) 分行經理 Pauline Chin 表示:「我和 CASL 合作超過 13 年了。我很感激有機會教導移民人士如何存錢及如何瞭解支票帳戶、儲蓄帳戶及信用產品等金融話題。」 促進洛杉磯和聖地牙哥的華人事業發展 十年來,U.S. Bank 全美銀行的支持使得亞裔商業協會 (Asian Business Association, ABA) 能夠在洛杉磯順利執行計劃。U.S. Bank 全美銀行還將於二月贊助洛杉磯的年青創業家論壇 (Young Entrepreneurs …

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