Seattle News

PG&E Closely Monitoring Fire Danger Conditions in Northern California; Might Proactively Turn Off Power for Safety to a Number of Customers

Fire Risk High in North Bay Saturday Morning, in Valley and Sierra Foothills Saturday Night SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) today said it might be proactively turning power off for safety and conducting a Public Safety Power Shutoff in several Northern California counties within the next 18 to 36 hours. To help reduce the risk …

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Los Angeles, CA (May 17, 2019) – In celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, CAPE (Coalition of Asian Pacifics In Entertainment) and U.S. Bank launched Season 5 of the #IAm Campaign, a series of mini-documentaries showcasing the voices and achievements of Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders. This is the second year CAPE, a non-profit organization that champions diversity …

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Pechanga Resort Casino Hân Hạnh Giới Thiệu Lâm Tử Tường (George Lam) với Chương Trình “Nhạc Hội Tươi Vui”

Pechanga Resort Casino hân hạnh giới thiệu Chương Trình “Nhạc Hội Tươi Vui” tại Pechanga Summit vào ngày Thứ Bảy 20 Tháng Bảy lúc 8 PM. Danh ca Lâm Tử Tường sẽ làm quý vị sống lại những kỷ niệm tươi đẹp của mình trong 40 năm qua, với những ca khúc quen thuộc nổi tiếng được nhiều người yêu …

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「大莊家賭場度假村」 七月呈獻 林子祥開心演唱會

「大莊家賭場度假村」為您送上林子祥開心演唱會:7月20日(星期六)晚上8時,不用坐火箭上太空,就在「大莊家」會展中心, 知道《男兒當自強》,在《千億個夜晚》都《分分鐘需要你》的“阿Lam”林子祥,會熱情唱出四十年來的經典金曲,一定令你《愛到發燒》。 1980年,林子祥憑《在水中央》及《分分鐘需要你》兩首歌曲在第3屆十大中文金曲頒獎音樂會 連獲兩個金曲獎,成為當年的大贏家,奠定天王巨星的地位。1986年,憑電影《最愛》主題曲《最愛是誰》奪得香港電影金像獎最佳原創歌曲。1993年初與葉蒨文的合唱作品《選擇》重返頒獎台。 作為音樂人,林子祥創作多首膾炙人口的歌曲,如《海市蜃樓》、《追憶》、《誰能明白我》、及《似夢迷離》等。就算改編歌曲,他亦常有創新大膽的嘗試,務求別樹一格,如《每一個晚上》,正是由兩首中西樂曲:Andrew Lloyd Webber創作的音樂劇《貓》《Cats》的插曲 “Growltiger’s Last Stand”和黃自為白居易《花非花》譜曲的同名作品拼合而成,卻不著痕跡,渾然天成。他把二十首當時得令的流行作品,以高超的編曲技巧組織起來,做出《十分十二寸/愛到發燒》這首經典串燒歌,可謂前無古人,更掀起一股串燒歌熱潮。 「大莊家賭場度假村」特別邀請您來享受林子祥開心演唱會。票價分為VIP$238, $168, $138, $108, $98及$78,欲免向隅,訂票從速。購票熱線: (626) 284-4861, 查詢有關詳情可致電(888) 810-8871或上網至 全新的「大莊家」會展中心 (Pechanga Summit) 擁有現代新科技設施的多功能會議廳,佔地達40,000平方呎可靈活運用舉行各項娛樂表演、音樂匯演、現場體育賽事、創新會議展覽會、婚禮,或任何大規模的團體活動等。無論是籌劃50人的小型會議,邀請100人的婚禮,以至1,000人的節日宴會,又或是大型的演唱會,「大莊家」周全尊尚的設施,均一應俱全,讓您隨時舉行各大小宴會,締造經典盛事。 大莊家賭場度假村匯集精彩多姿的娛樂 「大莊家賭場度假村」為美國其中之一間最大規模及提供最尊貴的賭場度假體驗。榮獲USA Today 讀者票選為全美最佳賭場第一名。並自2002年起一直被AAA評為四鑽級酒店,無論是日間玩樂還是豪華住宿,「大莊家賭場度假村」總會帶給您無與倫比的悠閒度假環境,擁有超過4,600多部角子老虎機,賭桌娛樂,頂級娛樂節目,福布斯旅遊指南推介的1,090間豪華酒店套房及客房,星級餐飲食府,享受獲福布斯評為四星級的水療護理讓您煥發身心,以及世界錦標賽級的Journey高爾夫球場。「大莊家賭場度假村」致力滿足客人及社區的需求,並與時俱進超越期許。魯瑟諾印第安人中的Pechanga族人擁有並經營「大莊家賭場度假村」。更多詳情,請致電免費專線 (877) 711-2946,或瀏覽。點擊喜歡大莊家賭場度假村Facebook網頁( ,以及Twitter@PechangaCasino。必須年滿21歲或以上方可參與博彩活動。

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PG&E Spreads the Word About Wildfire Safety Within the Multicultural Community

FREMONT — PG&E has communicated the importance of preparing for the upcoming wildfire season through direct communications to customers, advertising and media channels people know and trust. Those familiar channels include multicultural newspapers, news websites, television and radio stations. That’s why PG&E recently played hosts to 20 multicultural media representatives during an event at the company’s facilities in Fremont. Attendees …

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Great American Petting Zoo Returns to the Sacramento County Fair

Sacramento, Calif., (5/14/19) – The Great American Petting Zoo is a must-see attraction at the 2019 Sacramento County Fair. This petting zoo is truly unique because there are no barriers inside the enclosure. Once inside, the guests are free to pet, feed, and play with numerous animals. The farm contains 55 beautiful, friendly hand-raised animals including: Nubian and Alpine Goats, …

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Ramos Bros. Circus Comes Back to Town for the Sacramento County Fair

Sacramento, Calif., (5/6/18) – For the third year in a row, the 2019 Sacramento County Fair will feature the one and only Ramos Bros. Circus. Fair attendees will have the opportunity to experience the ‘Big Top’ with three live shows each day. The two-hour performance is sure to keep everyone on the edge of their seats with wire acts, contortionists, …

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California Energy Companies Announce Wildfire Preparedness Campaign Around Public Safety Power Shutoffs

San Francisco, Calif. – Today California’s three largest energy companies announced a coordinated wildfire safety and awareness campaign to prepare Californians for the threat of extreme weather and power outages during times of increased wildfire danger. The statewide Power of Being Prepared campaign is being led jointly by San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE) and Pacific …

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Sacramento Homeownership to Get $6 Million Boost

NeighborhoodLIFT® program will offer $20,000 down payment assistance grants and homebuyer education for eligible Sacramento County and West Sacramento residents; special parameters for veterans, military, teachers and first responders SACRAMENTO – May 1, 2019 – Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC), NeighborWorks® America and its local network member, NeighborWorks HomeOwnership Center Sacramento Region, today announced an additional $6 million donation by …

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