California News

Seattle, Tacoma, King County Help Launch U.S. Plastics Pact Roadmap to 2025, Driving a National Strategy to Address Plastic Waste

The U.S. Plastics Pact Roadmap Outlines Specific Actions and Responsibilities to Realize a Circular Economy for Plastics in America  (JUNE 15, 2021) –100% of plastic packaging to be reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025 – that’s one of the bold targets Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), King County, City of Tacoma, and other partners are committed to in order to address a huge problem: plastic waste. Today, Seattle, King County, and nearly 100 other signatories, known as activators, helped …

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Restaurant Depot Proudly Opens 1st Ever Restaurant Depot Express & 140th Nationwide Location

Stockton, CA – Restaurant Depot is pleased to announce that it will kick off the Grand Opening for its 1st ever Restaurant Depot Express facility beginning at 6am on June 16th, 2021 at 1015 W Hammer Lane with $50 coupons to the first 50 customer accounts. We welcome restaurants and businesses to attend our 4 Days of Deals. We are delighted …

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奧蘭治縣開始2021 年選區重劃工作

加利福尼亞州聖安娜(2021 年 6 月 10 日) – 奧蘭治縣將在今年夏天開始縣監督區域的選區重劃流程。 選區重劃是根據人口變化調整選區線的常規流程。通過使用更新的人口普查數據,每 10 年為地方、州和聯邦政府機構進行一次選區重劃流程。2021 年奧蘭治縣的選區重劃流程將使用 2020 年人口普查的數據,美國人口普查局發布的數據因 COVID-19 大流行而顯著推遲。預計該州將於 2021 年 9 月底推遲發布調整後的數據。包括奧蘭治縣在內的地方司法管轄區域必須在 2021 年 12 月 15 日之前完成選區重劃的流程,以便新的監督區域能夠在 2022 年 6 月 7 日的初選中投入使用。 2021 年奧蘭治縣選區重劃將通過舉行公開聽證會和/或研討會以及在會議上和以書面形式邀請公眾評論,開展強有力的公眾宣傳,讓社區參與重劃區流程。2021年6月22日,在確定的時間下午2時召開的監事會會議,該縣將舉行首次公開聽證會,邀請有關選區重劃的意見,並將提供有關選區重劃以及公眾如何參與該流程以及接收公眾意見的演講。 作為介紹的一部分,該縣將通過公開聽證會和研討會以及包括非英語社區在內的公共外展活動,展示其更新後的計劃,以讓社區參與選區重劃的流程。有關這些即將進行的選區重劃活動的信息將在縣網站 上更新。此外,該縣還創建了一個專用電子郵件地址和電話專線,供公眾提交有關該縣選區重劃選區流程的問題或意見。電子郵件地址為,電話號碼為 (714) 834-6000。

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Quận Cam Khởi Động Nỗ lực Tái Phân Ranh năm 2021

Santa Ana, Calif. (ngày 10 tháng 6, 2021)  –  Quận Cam sẽ bắt đầu tiến trình tái phân ranh các địa hạt được sự quản nhiệm của Giám sát quận trong mùa hè này. Tái phân ranh là tiến trình bình thường nhằm điều chỉnh đường ranh của các địa hạt bầu cử cho phù hợp với dân số thay …

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County of Orange Commences Redistricting 2021 Effort

Santa Ana, Calif. (June 10, 2021) – The County of Orange will begin the process for redistricting the County Supervisorial districts this summer. Redistricting is the regular process of adjusting the lines of voting districts in accordance with population shifts.  The redistricting process is done every 10 years for local, state and federal governmental bodies by using updated Census data. …

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Learn About Available Programs that Provide Backup Power and Lessen the Impact of a Public Safety Power Shutoff

Various Programs Provide Rebates, Offer Leases or Supply Free No-Cost Batteries for Low-Income Customers Using Medical Devices There’s Even a Program for Customers Who Can Pair Home Battery Storage Systems with Rooftop Solar SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. —There are several easy-to-use programs available to assist customers during a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) which occurs during severe weather to prevent wildfires. …

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Red Roses for St. Jude: A Live Virtual Benefit Concert with AJ Rafael and Friends

Help end childhood cancer by supporting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital on June 7 on Twitch LOS ANGELES (June 2, 2021)– On Monday, June 7, from 7-9 p.m. PDT, leading musician and artist AJ Rafael will host a special benefit concert on Twitch to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of his “Red Roses” album and to raise awareness and support the lifesaving …

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Official Results are Certified for the May 4th Cupertino Union School District Special Mail-Ballot Election

SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIF. – County of Santa Clara Registrar of Voters Shannon Bushey certified the results of the May 4th Cupertino Union School District Special Mail-Ballot Election today. “It is always an honor to certify the results of any election big or small.” Bushey said. “The Registrar of Voters’ staff worked diligently to ensure a fair, inclusive, accurate, and …

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Red Roses for St. Jude: A Live Virtual Benefit Concert with AJ Rafael and Friends

Help end childhood cancer by supporting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital on June 7 on Twitch LOS ANGELES (June 2, 2021)– On Monday, June 7, from 7-9 p.m. PDT, leading musician and artist AJ Rafael will host a special benefit concert on Twitch to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of his “Red Roses” album and to raise awareness and support the lifesaving …

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繼增加的仇恨事件後對非營利機構和小型企業的資金幫助 華盛頓特區 – 2021 年 5 月 27 日 – 富國銀行將提供一百萬美元的贈款,以支持亞裔美國人和太平洋島民 (AAPI) 社區和小型企業應對 COVID-19 疫情和最近增多的反亞裔的仇恨、歧視和暴力事件。  富國銀行的贈款將授予四個組織:全美亞裔總商會((Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship,簡稱 National ACE)、OCA – 美國亞太裔倡導組織(OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates,簡稱 OCA)、全美泛亞商會(US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce,簡稱 USPAACC)和亞美公義促進組織(Asian Americans Advancing Justice,簡稱 AAJC)。該投資是公司長期致力於為 AAPI 社區和我們的員工提供支持的一部分,也是爲了紀念亞太裔传统月 (Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month) 。 Diverse Segments, Representation, and Inclusion(多元化部門,代表性和包容性團隊)部門負責人 Kleber Santos 表示:「這一百萬美元的投入,是我們積極傾聽社區合作伙伴和員工的意見並從中學習后的決定,旨在為推動有意義且切實可行的解決方案而進行的持續工作提供支持。這些解決方案將給我們所服務的 …

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