Virtual Events

PG&E – Wildfire safety webinars and events

Join a PG&E wildfire safety webinar PG&E is hosting a series of online webinars for anyone who is interested in learning more about our Community Wildfire Safety Program. These virtual gatherings will allow community members to learn more about wildfire safety and emergency preparedness, meet with PG&E representatives, ask questions and share feedback. NOTE: PG&E is also planning to host a …

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RSVP Now! NQAPIA Workshop: Census 2020 for the LGBT and API community

This week, we will be discussing the 2020 census: what it is and what it means for our LGBT and API communities. The public health threat of coronavirus has shown us now, more than ever, the importance of understanding the power of political conversations. As part of our commitment to community care we want to set up introductory political education …

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Pistahan Festival

Day 2 Day 1 27th Virtual Pistahan Parade and Festival Join us ‪virtually on Aug 8-9‬, 2020 for San Francisco’s 27th annual PISTAHAN PARADE & FESTIVAL, a global celebration of Filipino community, culture & cuisine — reimagined as a digital festival this year! And you can get more information from via our PistahanSF YouTube and Facebook livestream or our website:

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Voting in the Time of COVID-19

It is already an uphill battle to vote for many in America with restrictive ID laws, few polling locations, and little to no paid time off for the working class to name a few reasons. We are now in the era of COVID and adjusting to living in a pandemic. What does COVID mean for the 2020 Elections state and …

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On August 1, 2020 – 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM PST Going back to work has looked different for everyone. The traditional “9 to 5” no longer applies to most workers. Frontline workers and essential workers find themselves continuing to go to the workplace, armed with PPE. Others are working from home and home-ing from work, with their children running …

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OCA Resilient Communities

THE OCA SUMMIT VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE Resilient Communities is a virtual five-day summit of plenaries, workshops, and entertainment for Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and allies across the country. The summit will consist of advocacy training and issue-based workshops on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted AAPI communities.  Community members will be able to discuss anti-Asian discrimination and hate incidents, civic engagement during …

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Paycheck Protection Program Town Hall on Forgiveness – Goldhouse Collective & U.S. SBA Event

Goldhouse SBA PPP

The Small Business Administration and Goldhouse are partnering up to host a virtual event on the PPP and Loan Forgiveness for minority businesses affected by COVID-19. Spread awareness of the SBA’s forgivable Paycheck Protection Program loan, specifically to small business owners from communities of color and other marginalized communities.$130Billion Left in the PPP Program!Minority-owned small businesses who have been disproportionately impacted by the …

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APIAVote Annual Congressional Celebration on 07/16, Thursday!

RSVP via zoom at TOMORROW: Join us on zoom for our annual Congressional Celebration! Be sure to RSVP via zoom at by Asian Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote) on Wednesday, July 15, 2020

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APIA Vote Presents Caregiving During COVID-19 Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Are you caring for a loved one who is with you at home?  In an assisted living center or long-term care facility? Long distance within the U.S.?  Long distance overseas?  Are you taking care of yourself during these stressful times?  Join to hear how to care under these new times.  Presented by AARP.  Register Here Loading… Taking too long? Reload …

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