How CSC is Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic?

華埠與您,齊心抗疫  ︳May 6, 2020

How CSC is Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic?

COVID-19 Relief: Hotmeals & Groceries to Chinatown Seniors Citizens 中國城熱飯派發予長者活動

WHY? Due to the COVID-19 crisis, California launches a meal delivery program for seniors amid coronavirus pandemic. These elderly and disabled are hard hit by the pandemic and they have difficulty preparing meals and groceries for themselves. Receiving meals and groceries during this challenging time have provided them with a great relief to addressing their nutrition needs. 

WHAT?  Chinatown Service Center (CSC) has teamed up with City of Los Angeles District 1 Gilbert Cedillo’s Office along with Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA) to provide hot meals and groceries to the senior and affordable housing apartments in Chinatown since Mid-April 2020. In April, we have delivered over 1,500 meals and groceries to the seniors in the Cathay Manor Apartments, the Metro at Chinatown Senior Lofts, and Castelar Apartments. 3 Hot meals of lunch/dinner will be served per week for over 500 seniors who lived in Chinatown Los Angeles.

GOAL: 9,630 Hot Meals to Chinatown Seniors

TIME PERIOD: Mid-April to May 30, 2020 (6 weeks) or until the Safe-at-Home order is lifted

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