
APIA Vote Hosts 2020 Presidential Town Hall

2020 Presidential Town Hall event with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Representative Judy Chu, Former Governor of Guam Eddie Baza Calvo, and journalists Amna Nawaz and Vicky Nguyen, will be taking place on Saturday 6/27 at 3pm ET. Please register at here: Register Here About the Presidential Town Hall Since 2008, the Presidential Town Hall has served as a forum for …

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2020 Presidential Town Hall Speakers Confirmed / APIA Vote Invitation to the 2020 National AAPI Leadership Summit, Workshops & Sessions

APIA Vote is presenting a few virtual events taking place over the next two weeks. The 2020 National AAPI Leadership Summit is taking place this week 6/22-6/25, and starts at 5pm ET and 7pm ET every evening (1 hour per session). Please browse the agenda and speakers, then register here: The 2020 Presidential Town Hall event with U.S. Vice …

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APIA Vote Presents – There’s No Business Like Slow Business: Business Resilience Solutions for Small Businesses on Tuesday, June 23, 2020

There’s No Business Like Slow Business: Business Resilience Solutions for Small Businesses Tuesday, June 23, 2020 @ 5:00 PM ET National ACE will provide a summary of the AAPI policy recommendations and share upcoming programs in support of AAPI Small Businesses. The webinar will be moderated by Dr. Karen Eng, Chair of the Board of Directors at National ACE and feature Special …

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See former Vice President Joe Biden and Eddie Baza Calvo at the #AAPITownHall

Join the first series of workshops that focus on organizing around issue priorities of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities. Learn about the recommended policies for which we want to hold candidates and elected officials accountable. Learn more in the NCAPA 2020 Policy Platform which has been organized by members of the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans. Also learn about issues that AAPI business …

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U.S. Bank accepting Paycheck Protection Program applications from customers and non-customers through June 19

US Bank SBA PPP Loan Extension

Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Flexibility Act eases requirements for loan forgiveness With funding still available through the Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), U.S. Bank remains committed to helping all customers, as well as non-customers in the 26 states in which the bank has a retail presence, through the application process and will continue to accept applications through …

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美國人口統計工作人員 | 2020 年 5 月 13 日 這篇社論是偶然發佈的回答 2020 年人口普查社區受益系列的一部分。 無論您住在繁華的都市還是小路旁,住在郊區還是在港口之間航行的小船上,回答 2020 年人口普查對您的社區來說都是非常關鍵的。 但是,社區並不總是指城鎮或鄰里等地理層面的位置,也不只是指您住在哪裏、您是誰。您的“社區”可能是那些和您一樣的人,或者在生活中做着和您一樣事情的人,無論他們身在何處都屬於您的社區。 例如,您是全國大學生社區的一員,而不僅僅是加州大學 Irvine 校區的大學生。或者您是說泰格里語的父母社區羣體的一員,這些家長的孩子在全國各地的小學上學,而不僅僅是在您孩子所在的學校。 人口普查答案被用來生成統計資料,例如什麼地區居住多少人,以及這些人的年齡、性別、種族和族裔。當這些統計資料與其他資料相結合時,政策制定者就掌握了更好的信息,能夠爲未來 10 年的工作做出更好的決定,即如何將數百億美元的聯邦資金分配到醫院、學校、道路維修和應急服務等關鍵公共服務事業。 計劃的結果專門針對大學生和在校兒童等特定社區人羣。  以下是 2020 年人口普查將如何幫助塑造國家各地相似人羣特定社區的未來,而無論這些人住在哪裏。 在校兒童及其父母 瞭解社區居住着多少兒童將爲今後 10 年的重要政策和規劃提供基礎。  例如,社區是否應該建一所新圖書館?一所新學校?是不是應該擴展學前班兒童的啓蒙教育計劃? 這就是爲什麼算上您的住宅中包括 2020 年 4 月 1 日或之前出生嬰兒的每個人是如此重要。請確保算上在您的住宅居住或者大部分時間過夜的親屬孩子(比如侄女、侄子和(外)孫子孫女)、朋友或其他人。 人口普查結果可能會影響許多針對學齡兒童項目的資金。 其中包括: 國家學校午餐計劃是美國農業部項目,爲低收入家庭的學生免費或減價午餐計劃提供資金。 第1章法案爲美國教育部項目提供資金,爲低來自收入住戶的學生比例較高的學校提供幫助。 啓蒙計劃爲低收入家庭的學齡前兒童服務。 老師培訓,如教育部爲國家各地學校提供的老師資質州提升項目資金。 住宅援助。 年齡爲 65 或更年長者 在 20 世紀的大部分時間裏,美國 65 歲及以上的人口數量迅速增長,從 1900 年的 310 萬人增長到 2000 年的 3500 萬人。 …

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Cộng Đồng Không Chỉ Là Vị Trí Địa Lý

ĐỘI NGŨ NHÂN VIÊN THỐNG KÊ DÂN SỐ HOA KỲ | NGÀY 13 THÁNG NĂM, 2020 Bài viết này là một phần của loạt bài viết thỉnh thoảng được phát hành về các lợi ích cộng đồng quan trọng đến từ việc trả lời Thống Kê Dân Số 2020. Cho dù quý vị sống ở vùng đô thị hay khu …

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Ang mga Komunidad ay Hindi Lamang mga Pangheograpiyang Lokasyon

STAFF PARA SA NAGBIBILANG ANG AMERIKA | MAYO 13, 2020 Ang kuwentong ito ay bahagi ng isang pana-panahong serye sa mahahalagang kapakinabangan sa komunidad na nagmumula sa pagtugon sa 2020 Senso. Nakatira ka man sa isang malaking lungsod o sa isang maliit na sangandaan, sa mga suburb, o sa isang bangkang naglalayag sa bawat puerto, ang pagsagot sa 2020 Senso …

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2020 Census is Critical For Your Community Communities Are Not Just Geographic Locations

This story is part of an occasional series on the important community benefits that come from responding to the 2020 Census.   Whether you live in a metropolis or a tiny crossroads, in the suburbs or on a boat sailing from port to port, responding to the 2020 Census is critical for your community.  But a community isn’t always a geographic …

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2020 Census Workers to Count Population Experiencing Homelessness in September

June 12, 2020 — The U.S. Census Bureau has announced the new schedule for counting people experiencing homelessness in the 2020 Census. The operation was originally scheduled for March 30, March 31 and April 1, but health and safety concerns with COVID-19 forced us to delay these activities. Between September 22 and 24, the Census Bureau now plans to send specially …

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