Stockton Emergency Rental Assistance Going Strong

Local City Eviction Protection Ordinance Has Not Expired

STOCKTON, Calif. – The City of Stockton Emergency Rental Assistance Program does not end on September 30, 2021.  There are still millions of dollars available to help those who have fallen behind with payment of rent and utilities during the pandemic. The City’s program is still going strong and will continue to accept applications until all program funds have been exhausted.

 “The City received $40 million for this program. To date, we have approved more than 5,700 applications and provided or committed over $23 million in funding for households in Stockton,” shared Carrie Wright, Economic Development Director. “In July, we were able to begin helping with other rent-related costs, such as housing application fees, security deposits, and relocation expenses. The program is designed to prevent homelessness and provide housing stability, so give us a call to find out how you or someone you know may now qualify for assistance.” 

To further prevent homelessness and create housing security the state enacted an eviction moratorium at the beginning of the pandemic. The Stockton City Council took extra steps, adopting residential eviction protections through an ordinance that does not expire until 90 days after the Governor lifts the State of Emergency declaration related to COVID-19, and the Governor’s declaration is still in effect.

While State eviction protection does change after today, rent relief still plays a critical role. Starting October 1, State law prevents landlords from seeking an eviction of tenants who are eligible for the rent relief program without first completing an emergency rental assistance application for program funding. Eligible tenants who complete an application with the program may be protected from an eviction for non-payment of rent.  

            “The California COVID-19 Housing Is Key program is available to renters who do not live within the City of Stockton,” continued Wright. “The most important eviction protection is to know your rights. Visit the State website for eviction protection resources and forms, such as FAQs and links to legal assistance.” 

                This program is free to those eligible and available while funding lasts. For additional details about the City of Stockton program, please visit or Renters and landlords may contact the El Concilio call center for assistance, 7-days a week, at (209) 644-2690.


All news releases can be found on the City of Stockton website at

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