California News

San Mateo County Health Officer Issues School Operations Modification Order

Redwood City, Calif. – San Mateo County Health Officer Dr. Scott Morrow has issued a School Operations Modification Order that will take effect on Monday, March 16, 2020, and remain in force through Friday, April 3, 2020, unless amended by the County or State health officer. The order requires all schools to dismiss students from regular attendance and encourages schools …

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State Health & Emergency Officials Announce Latest COVID-19 Facts

California now has 69 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SACRAMENTO, CA – The California Department of Public Health today announced the most recent statistics on COVID-19. California now has 69 confirmed cases. For more information on COVID-19 and California’s response visit COVID-19 in California by the Numbers (as of 10 a.m. Pacific Time): 69– Positive cases1 – Death 24 – …

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County of San Mateo Opens COVID-19 Public Call Center

Local emergencies announced to position resources for extended response Redwood City — The County of San Mateo today announced the opening of a public call center for residents with non-medical questions about COVID-19. The number is (650) 363-4422. The call center will open no later than noon Thursday, March 5. The center will take calls from 7 a.m. to 7 …

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PG&E Encourages Customers to Update Their Contact Information In Advance of Wildfire Season

Updates Needed from More Than 200,000 Customers In Preparation for Public Safety Power Shutoffs SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is sending postcards to more than 200,000 customers encouraging them to update their mobile number, email and other key information so the company can contact them in advance should it become necessary to temporarily turn off …

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長達14年的合作關係幫助了超過2100位亞洲和太平洋島民進入大學就讀 華盛頓特區(2020年2月6日) - Asian & Pacific Islander American (APIA) Scholars (亞洲和太平洋島民學者,簡稱APIA學者) 是全國最大,專注於滿足亞洲和太平洋島民社區高等教育需求的非營利組織,目前正通過富國銀行(Wells Fargo)捐助的120萬美元獎學金歡慶農曆新春。APIA學者和富國銀行將在2月6日星期四於三藩市的中國文化中心(Chinese Culture Center)舉辦媒體活動和支票捐贈儀式,為農曆新春的熱鬧喜慶揭開序幕。這場活動將以訂於2月8日星期六舉行的年度農曆新春大遊行達到慶祝活動的最高潮,這不但是三藩市一年一度的傳統,也是亞洲以外最大型的亞洲文化慶典。 APIA學者和富國銀行自2006年起攜手合作,幫助亞洲和太平洋島民學生和家人通過獎學金、財務教育、導師計劃、大學預備講座、和開發計劃成功進入大學深造。迄今富國銀行已經慷慨捐贈超過8百萬美元給APIA學者,受惠的學者超過2100人。由於富國銀行長期不懈的支持,促成了下一代亞洲和太平洋島民健全穩定的財務保障,造就他們日後在社區中擔當領袖重任。 「從APIA學者成立的早期開始,富國銀行始終是這個機構、我們的學者、家人、和整體亞洲和太平洋島民社區最堅定不移的支持者,」APIA學者總裁兼執行總監Noel Harmon表示。「就在我們展開新的一年和新的十年的同時,我們期盼繼續通過雙方的合作為下一代和未來的世世代代創造 更多的機會。」 「作為APIA學者的創始贊助者,富國銀行非常高興能夠在過去13年中為遍佈全國和美國屬地,超過2100位學生和家人提供達成追求高等教育目標所需的幫助和資源,」富國銀行企業公關資深副總裁兼APIA學者理事會成員Arati Randolph表示。「我們非常高興通過這筆捐助和APIA學者一起歡慶農曆新春,並再次表達我們對APIA學者、亞裔社區和本銀行服務顧客的承諾。」 有關APIA學者活動詳情及本組織工作內容,請登入,並歡迎您在  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter 和 LinkedIn 追蹤APIA學者。 APIA學者簡介 總部設在華盛頓特區的 Asian & Pacific Islander American (APIA) Scholars 亞洲與太平洋島民(APIA)學者是全國最大規模,專注於為亞洲與太平洋島民學生創造機會,提供完成高等教育的通路和所需資源,為他們開創學術成就,在個人及專業層面獲取成功的非營利機構。我們的工作包括各種開發計畫,大學預備講座,和提供獎學金。自2003年起,APIA學者已發出超過1億5000萬美元的獎學金給符合條件的APIA學生。APIA學者管理三項獎學金計畫:APIA學者一般性獎學金,APIA亞裔和太平洋島民原住民服務機構獎學金(AANAPISAI),以及由比爾和梅琳達蓋茲基金會(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)贊助的蓋茲新世代學者/亞洲與太平洋島民獎學金計劃。

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PG&E Helps Customers Manage Energy Costs and Save Money this Winter

More than 70% of winter energy use comes from heating system, water heater & washer/dryer SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.— It’s wintertime which means natural gas appliances are working overtime to keep homes warm and comfortable. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) understands increased usage can result in higher energy bills and wants to equip customers with techniques to help reduce costs. …

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PG&E’s 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan Expands, Enhances Community Wildfire Safety Program, Reduces Impacts of Public Safety Power Shutoffs

Highlights Include New Grid Technology Investments and Additional Accelerated Inspections and Repairs to Help Keep Customers and Communities Safer from Wildfires SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.— As part of its ongoing efforts to further reduce wildfire risks and keep customers and the communities it serves safe, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)  submitted its 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan to the California Public …

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Celebrating Valentine’s Day Tobacco-Free

Most of us will think of roses and sweets when celebrate Valentine’s Day. This Valentine’s Day, Asian Pacific Partners for Empowerment, Advocacy and Leadership (APPEAL) and Asian Smokers’ Quitline (ASQ) encourage Asian American community members to surprise the significant others by making quit attempt and make a committemnt to quit for good if possible. Quitting smoking improves the health of …

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Celebrating the Year of the Rat Tobacco-Free

For Asian American communities who celebrate the Lunar New Year, this time of year is often celebrated as a new beginning for good fortune and good health. Since the Rat is the first sign from the 12 zodiac animals in some Asian cultures, it also gives a double meaning of renewals and begininngs. Asian Pacific Partners for Empowerment, Advocacy and …

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PG&E Submits Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization Testimony to State Regulators and Updated Plan of Reorganization to Bankruptcy Court

New Filings Provide Update on Key Elements of Plan to Exit Bankruptcy as a Reimagined Utility  Company’s Bankruptcy Plan Is on Track to be Confirmed by June 30 So PG&E Can Pay Victims and Participate in the State’s Go-Forward Wildfire Fund SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.—PG&E Corporation and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (together, “PG&E” or the “company”) today submitted regulatory and …

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