Covid-19 (English)

Column 10: Medicare and Other Social Benefits

In this month’s column, we selected general questions about Medicare and other social benefits from the calls and letters we received and would like to share the information. If you have additional questions about Medicare, Medicaid, Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Marketplace, Social Security Retirement Benefit, Supplemental Security Income, Social Benefits for Seniors, or COVID/Flu vaccination, there are 3 ways …

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询问 NAPCA 专栏#7

在本月的专栏中,我们想要分享有关2024年社会福利的最新信息。如果您对Medicare(红蓝卡)、Medicaid(白卡)、平价医疗法案健康保险市场、社会退休金、补充保障收入或COVID-19/流感疫苗等有任何其他问题,您可以通过以下三种方式联系我们:电话:(中文普通话)1-800-683-7427,(中文粤语)1-800-582-4218,(英语)1-800-336-2722电子邮件:askNAPCA@napca.org邮寄地址:NAPCA年长者帮助中心,1511 3rd Avenue, Suite 914, Seattle, WA 98101 <Q1> 2024年,我需要获得多少收入才能得到一个社会保障工作积分?是否需要工作一整年才能获得该积分? 社会保障积分是基于您当年的收入计算的。随着平均工资的增加,每年赚取一积分的收入要求会略有上升。2024年,您每赚取1730美元,您就可以获得一个社会保障和Medicare积分。您必须赚取6920美元才能获得四个积分,以达到每年的上限。您可以工作一整年来赚取四个积分,或者可以在更短时间内赚足四个积分。您必须赚取一定数量的积分才能有资格获得社会保障福利。40积分足够您获得您应有的社会保障福利。 <Q2> 我已经退休并正在领取社会保障退休金。我还能申请Medicaid和补充保障收入吗?我听说有收入和资产限制。我拥有一栋房子和一辆车,还有寿险。 如果您符合您所在州规定的收入和资产要求,您可以获得Medicaid和补充保障收入。第一栋房子和第一辆车是可以排除在外的,但某些寿险会被计算为资产。2024年,联邦规定的补充保障收入的每月限额为:个人943美元,夫妻1415美元。一些州可能会在联邦标准之上提供SSP(州附加支付)。例如,若您住在加州且没有收入,个人每月最多收到1182美元的补充保障收入,夫妻则为2022美元。如您收入增加,补充保障收入的金额会减少。请注意,社会安全局规定了计算收入的方法。为了解您是否有资格获得福利,请向社会安全局提交申请从而获得资格判定。请注意,以上信息可能会随时间和政策变化而有所调整。 <Q3> 2024年,为了继续拥有福利,我的收入应当保持在多少? 在领取社会保障退休金或遗属福利金的同时,您可以继续工作。然而,以获得全额福利,社会安全局对于您的收入是有限制的。 如果您在整个年度内未达到全额退休年龄,那么每多赚两美元(2024年收入限额为22320美元),社会安全局将从您的福利金中扣除一美元。 在您达到完全退休年龄的那一年: 在达到完全退休年龄的那个月前,如您赚取超过另一个限额,即59520美元,那么每多赚三美元,社会安全局将从您的福利金中扣除一美元。 从您达到完全退休年龄的那个月起,您的收入不再影响福利,无论收入多少。此时,社会安全局将重新计算您的福利金额,以补偿之前因超额收入而扣减或暂停的部分。 <Q4> 我在新闻中看到COVID-19病例最近有所增加。最新的疫苗是否仍然有效? 目前,COVID-19病毒活动水平较高。现在JN.1毒株在美国及全球范围内传播最广,可能会加剧COVID-19在今年冬季的传播。最近几周,COVID-19感染、住院和死亡病例有所增加。截至2024年1月13日当周,住院病例达到了32861例,死亡人数增加了10.3%,其中COVID-19死亡占美国总死亡人数的4.3%。 当前的COVID-19疫苗预计可以提高对JN.1病毒株的防护。 截至2024年1月13日,仅有21.5%的成年人报告接种了最新的COVID-19疫苗。65岁及以上的长者中,只有40.9%报告接种了这种疫苗。长者因COVID-19住院或死亡的概率更高,所以这一数据非常令人担忧。 请确保您已经接种于2023年9月底上市的最新疫苗。如您最后一次接种是在9月中旬或更早,请尽早接种。 全美亚太裔耆老中心(NAPCA)是一家非营利机构,致力于改善亚裔美国人、夏威夷土著和太平洋岛民及其家庭的生活质量。我们运营的NAPCA年长者帮助中心提供五种不同语言的服务。

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Ask NAPCA Column #7

In this month’s column, we want to share what is new in social benefits in 2024. If you have additional questions about Medicare, Medicaid, Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Marketplace, Social Security Retirement Benefit, Supplemental Security Income, or COVID/Flu vaccination, there are 3 ways you can reach us today:Call: (English) 1-800-336-2722, (Chinese Mandarin) 1-800-683-742, (Chinese Cantonese) 1-800-582-4218,(Korean) 1-800-582-4259, (Vietnamese) 1-800-582-4336Email: …

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Los Angeles Rental Arrears Deadline Coming Up

THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES COVID-19 TENANT PROTECTIONS ARE ENDING FEBRUARY 1 LOS ANGELES, Calif. — The City of Los Angeles Declaration of Local Emergency for COVID-19 renter protections are ending.  February 1st is the deadline to pay rental arrears for rent owed from October 1, 2021, to January 31, 2023.  The renter protection provisions applied to all residential units …

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Ask NAPCA Column #7 

The Medicare Open Enrollment Period is ongoing. We chose several questions about this subject and want to share the information in this month’s column. We added one question to address the areas where many people are confused about the COVID-19 vaccine more clearly. If you have additional questions on Medicare, Medicaid, Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Marketplace, Social Security Retirement …

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NAPCA Ask Column #6

Flu season is coming, and the newly updated COVID-19 vaccine came out following last year. We want to share some information about COVID-19 vaccinations in this month’s column. If you have additional questions on Medicare, Medicaid, Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Marketplace, Social Security Retirement Benefit, Supplemental Security Income, or COVID/Flu vaccination, there are 3 ways you can reach us …

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COVID-19 and the Holidays

With the holidays around the corner, it’s important to take proper safety measures to keep your loved ones safe from COVID-19. Here are some tips for lowering the risk of getting or spreading COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses:  Wash your hands often  Stay up to date with your vaccinations: COVID-19, flu, RSV (for people 60 years and older)  Take a COVID-19 …

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DOH and DH Host Nov. 8 Community Conversation

Last week, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) and Desautel Hege (DH) hosted a Community Driven Outreach (CDO) Program Community Conversation. Partners met to hear about program and resource updates.  DH shared program resources including the latest edition of the CDO Quarterly, the Airtable program resource library, and the partner events calendar, which you can submit events here.  DOH introduced its Power of …

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DOH Spotlights Power of Providers Initiative

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) recently highlighted its Power of Providers initiative, which equips healthcare providers to serve as trusted sources of COVID-19 vaccine information for their patients and communities.  The goal of this program is to increase vaccination rates across the state. They currently have a network of over 4,500 individuals across 400 healthcare organizations.  Any healthcare provider who …

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6th Vaccination

Flu season is coming, and the newly updated COVID-19 vaccine came out following last year. We want to share some information about COVID-19 vaccinations in this month’s column. If you have additional questions on Medicare, Medicaid, Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Marketplace, Social Security Retirement Benefit, Supplemental Security Income, or COVID/Flu vaccination, there are 3 ways you can reach us …

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