DuPage County – Today, DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) is pleased to announce that COVID-19 vaccine registration is now open for children between 6 months and 5 years old. This follows the authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for this age group, which were recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) over the weekend.
The COVID-19 vaccination clinic is located at DCHD’s Central Public Health Center in Wheaton. Appointments will be available starting next Wednesday, June 29.
Residents seeking an appointment sooner may be able to locate one closest to their home using vaccines.gov to identify a site administering the vaccine or contact their child’s primary healthcare provider.
To register for a vaccine appointment, please visit www.dupagehealth.org/covid19vaccine. Once registered, you will be contacted via email with additional information on scheduling an appointment.
DCHD will continue to offer Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for individuals 6 months of age and older who are seeking their first vaccination or booster shots, as eligible. To date, over 82% of DuPage County residents over 5 years old have been fully vaccinated.
CDC recommends COVID-19 primary series vaccines for everyone ages 6 months and older, and COVID-19 boosters for everyone ages 5 years and older, if eligible, to help prevent illness and spread of COVID-19 in households, schools, workplaces, and the community. More information is available at www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/index.html.