「大莊家賭場度假村」隆重呈獻許冠傑Sam Hui「迎2020演唱會」, 將於2019年12月28日 (星期六),在「大莊家」會展中心舉行。“歌神”許冠傑與他的最佳拍檔, 寳貝仔許懷欣,許懷谷, 特別客串嘉賓李小龍女兒李香凝和孫女Wren Lee,一齊陪您迎接2020新的一年“最緊要好玩”。
全晚懷舊金曲充滿正能量,許冠傑將會施展混身解數,唱出多首經典名曲包括《鐵塔凌雲》、 《浪子心聲》、《 滄海一笑聲》、《天才與白癡》、《雙星情歌》、《半斤八兩》、《夜半輕思語》、《印象》等等。
快來「大莊家」全新的會展中心(Pechanga Summit)欣賞許冠傑「迎2020演唱會」。票價分為$288, $238, $188, $168, $138, $118, $98及$88,其中$288, $238, $98及$88門票早已售罄, 欲免向隅,訂票從速。購票熱線: (626) 284-4861, 查詢有關詳情可致電(888) 810-8871或上網至www.Pechanga.com.
全新的「大莊家」會展中心 (Pechanga Summit) 擁有現代新科技設施的多功能會議廳,佔地達40,000平方呎可靈活運用舉行各項娛樂表演、音樂匯演、現場體育賽事、創新會議展覽會、婚禮,或任何大規模的團體活動等。無論是籌劃50人的小型會議,邀請100人的婚禮,以至1,000人的節日宴會,又或是大型的演唱會,「大莊家」周全尊尚的設施,均一應俱全,讓您隨時舉行各大小宴會,締造經典盛事。
「大莊家賭場度假村」為美國其中之一間最大規模及提供最尊貴的賭場度假體驗。榮獲USA Today 讀者票選為全美最佳賭場第一名。並自2002年起一直被AAA評為四鑽級酒店,無論是日間玩樂還是豪華住宿,「大莊家賭場度假村」總會帶給您無與倫比的悠閒度假環境,擁有超過5,000多部角子老虎機,賭桌娛樂,頂級娛樂節目,1,090間豪華酒店客房,星級餐飲食府,讓您煥發身心的水療護理,以及世界錦標賽級的Journey高爾夫球場。「大莊家賭場度假村」致力滿足客人及社區的需求,並與時俱進超越期許。魯瑟諾印第安人中的Pechanga族人擁有並經營「大莊家賭場度假村」。更多詳情,請致電免費專線 (877) 711-2946,或瀏覽www.pechanga.com。點擊喜歡大莊家賭場度假村facebook網頁(Facebook.com/Pechanga) ,以及Twitter@PechangaCasino。必須年滿21歲或以上方可參與博彩活動。
Pechanga Resort Casino Proudly Presents
Ring In 2020 – Sam Hui Concert This December
Pechanga Resort Casino proudly presents the “Ring In 2020 – Sam Hui Concert”, on Saturday, December 28, 2019 at the Pechanga Summit, where the God of Cantopop and his special team: beloved sons Ryan Hui and Scott Hui, guest performer Shannon Lee, daughter of Bruce Lee; and her granddaughter Wren Lee, will be with you to ring in the new year of 2020.
It will be a night of golden oldies full of positive energy. Sam Hui will sing a number of classic songs including “Tower Above the Clouds”, “Drifter’s Song”, “A Laughter in the Sea”, “Genius and Idiot”, “Twin Stars’ Love Song”, “Half & Half”, “Whisper in the Night”, “Impression” and many more.
Sam Hui announced his retirement in early 1992. In March the same year, he held 41 farewell concerts at the Hunghom Coliseum, setting a record for the biggest concert series compare to any other Hong Kong singers. In 2004, Sam felt that the Hong Kong public had gone through a lot of unpleasant experiences, such as the SARS disease and a number of his close colleagues/Hong Kong music superstars had passed away; he therefore came out of retirement and composed the songs “Continue to Smile” and “04 Bless You” to make his music comeback. With Hong Kong as the first stop, Sam Hui held the “Continue to Smile and Meet the God of Cantopop Concert”, where tickets were quickly sold out and set off a nostalgic boom in the golden oldies. In recent years, Sam Hui held his world tour as a way to meet his fans through the concerts.
Pechanga Resort Casino invites you to come and have a good time at the “Ring In 2020 – Sam Hui Concert” in the Pechanga Summit. Tickets are priced at $288, $238, $188, $168, $138, $118, $98 and $88, while $288, $238, $98 & $88 have already been sold out. For more information, please call (888) 810-8871 or visit www.Pechanga.com.
About Pechanga Summit
Whether a guest’s plans include a meeting for 50, a wedding for 100, a banquet for 1,000 or a concert for the ages, the new event space – the Pechanga Summit – has everything one needs to bring an event to life. Entertainers, concerts, live sporting events, trade shows, weddings, or any large group now have a 40,000-square foot area to book.
About Pechanga Resort Casino
Pechanga Resort Casino offers one of the largest and most expansive resort/casino experiences anywhere in the United States. Named the Number One casino in America by readers of USA TODAY and rated a Four Diamond property by AAA since 2002, Pechanga Resort Casino provides an unparalleled getaway. Offering more than 5,000 of the hottest slots, table games, world-class entertainment, 1,090 hotel rooms, dining, spa and championship golf at Journey at Pechanga, Pechanga Resort Casino features a destination that meets and exceeds the needs of its guests and the community. Pechanga Resort Casino is owned and operated by the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians. For more information, call toll free (877) 711-2946 or visit www.Pechanga.com. Follow Pechanga Resort Casino on Facebook and on Twitter @PechangaCasino.