Tag Archives: Virtual Events

Voters’ Rights, Conducting Voter Registration & Election Rules for Nonprofits and 501(c)3s

Free workshop for community groups and CLE credits available for attorneys. Register Now This year’s election is critical and there have been many changes to voting procedures. This free nonpartisan training will help community-based organizations prepare for voter registration drives and the November Elections. Attorneys will provide legal information under local, state, and federal laws about: legal responsibilities in conducting …

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线上普通话健康论坛: 酒精造成之面部潮红及其健康影响 (Alcohol-Induced Facial Flushing and Health Implications)

很多亚洲人在饮酒后会出现面部潮红及心律加速的情况。世界上约有5.4亿人饮酒后都会如此,相当于全球 8% 的人口都饱受这些症状之苦。这种现象是由于先天的基因突变,而导致人体内缺乏一种名为乙醛去氢酶 (ALDH2) 的重要解酒酵素。很多人将喝酒后脸红当作「健康」的象征,但其实这是误解:喝酒会脸红,代表一种名为乙醛的危险致癌物正在体内累积。陈哲宏博士将在讲座中解释酒后脸红的生物学原因,以及带有酒后脸红基因的人可能面对的健康问题。陈博士将介绍新的饮酒量标准,以及他正在亚裔族群中大力推广的 5 月 9 日「无酒日」。 陈哲宏博士 (Dr. Che-Hong Chen) 任教于斯坦福大学医学院,是一位分子生物学及基因学家。陈博士专门研究乙醛毒性以及 ALDH 多基因家族在人体中所发挥的功能。有一类新型乙醛去氢酶调节剂的发现,就是奠基于陈博士的研究。这些小分子调节剂 (叫作Aldas) 为强效的酶活化剂,能活化东亚人种特有功能失调的变异 ALDH2,即造成酒精潮红症 (酒精不耐症) 的元凶。陈哲宏博士在台湾创办了名为台湾酒精不耐症卫教协会 (Taiwan Alcohol Intolerance Education Society,简称TAIES) 的非营利教育推广组织。他是斯坦福亚裔健康研究及教育中心 (Stanford Center for Asian Health Research and Education ,简称CARE) 的国际推广部主任 (outreach country director),主导推广关于酒精不耐症的大众健康教育、宣导过量饮酒可能造成的健康风险,以及预防台湾及东亚地区的饮酒相关癌症发生。 注册链接(registration link) https://stanford.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Z_6VoP1PSyCNO4l_VaVMjg#/registration

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2022 Gastric Cancer Summit at Stanford University

Thursday, November 3rd, 2022, 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM & Friday, November 4th, 2022, 7:30 AM-3:00 PMFree Hybrid Event What: November is Gastric Cancer Awareness Month, this month aims to spread awareness about gastric cancer (also known as stomach cancer) a deadly cancer that is diagnosed in 27,000 Americans each year and is the third leading cause of cancer deaths …

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AAPI Heritage Month Virtual Event: The AAPI Community Speaks

As we celebrate AAPI Heritage month, please join us in an interactive discussion about Alzheimer’s disease within the Asian-American community. A panel of experts from the AAPI community will share their personal experiences and perspectives on how together we can reduce barriers, develop trust, and assist those in your community in navigating their dementia journey. Saturday, May 21, 2022 | …

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