New drinking water system plan released for public review

SEATTLE — Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is seeking public review and comment on its draft 2019 Water System Plan, which details how the utility intends to meet current and future water demands, ensure high quality drinking water, enhance system reliability and resiliency, and cost-effectively invest in and maintain the water system.
SPU provides reliable, high-quality drinking water to 1.4 million people who live in Seattle, King County and portions of southern Snohomish County. Prepared under regulations adopted by the Washington State Department of Health for public water systems, the utility regularly updates its plan. The last Water System Plan was updated in 2013.
The Public Review Draft of the 2019 Water System can be viewed online, here:
Released on March 12, 2018, the draft plan is available for public review and comment through June 1, 2018. Comments about the plan can be sent to:

Joan Kersnar, Drinking Water Planning Manager
Seattle Public Utilities
P.O. Box 34018; Seattle, WA 98124-4018
(206) 684-0839 or
The final plan will address comments received on the Public Review Draft. It will then be reviewed by the Mayor of Seattle and the Seattle City Council in the fall of 2018.

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Seattle Public Utilities provides essential services. We deliver pure mountain drinking water, recycling and composting that lead the nation, and sewer and drainage systems to protect our local waterways. These services safeguard your health and our shared environment, and help keep Seattle the best place to live.


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