「大莊家賭場度假村」與您歡慶新春 $100,000 Easyplay獎賞送大禮



在農曆新春期間,「大莊家」特別呈獻「農曆新春幸運大抽獎」,將會送出總值 $100,000 Easyplay 獎賞。抽獎分別於2月1日及2月15日(星期五),只要在當天晚上6時至10時玩角子老虎機或賭桌遊戲來賺取抽獎機會,便可以有機會贏取多次獎賞。抽獎將於每個抽獎日的晚上 8時抽出10位幸運兒贏取$500 EasyPlay® 獎賞,晚上9時抽出20位幸運兒贏取$1,000 EasyPlay 獎賞,晚上10時抽出5位幸運兒贏取$5,000 EasyPlay 獎賞。快來參加「農曆新春幸運大抽獎」,迎接開春好彩頭,總之多玩多賞。

除此之外,農曆新年還有「好運紅包」送大禮,將會在二月份的星期三舉行,會員只需在活動期內的下午1時至晚9時蒞臨推廣活動區就有機會贏取高達$1,000 EasyPlay®獎賞。





如欲瞭解更多「大莊家」活動及優惠詳情,請致電(877) 711-2946或登錄網站Pechanga.com。必須年滿21歲或以上方可參與各項優惠活動。



「大莊家賭場度假村」為美國其中之一間最大規模及提供最尊貴的賭場度假體驗。榮獲USA Today 讀者票選為全美最佳賭場第一名。並自2002年起一直被AAA評為四鑽級酒店,無論是日間玩樂還是豪華住宿,「大莊家賭場度假村」總會帶給您無與倫比的悠閒度假環境,擁有超過4,600多部角子老虎機,賭桌娛樂,頂級娛樂節目,1,090間豪華酒店客房,星級餐飲食府,讓您煥發身心的水療護理,以及世界錦標賽級的Journey高爾夫球場。「大莊家賭場度假村」致力滿足客人及社區的需求,並與時俱進超越期許。魯瑟諾印第安人中的Pechanga族人擁有並經營「大莊家賭場度假村」。更多詳情,請致電免費專線(877) 711-2946,或瀏覽www.pechanga.com。點擊喜歡大莊家賭場度假村facebook網頁( Facebook.com/Pechanga) ,以及Twitter@PechangaCasino。必須年滿21歲或以上方可參與博彩活動。


In celebration of the Lunar New Year, Pechanga Resort Casino invites you to play, stay and win all month long in February.

Lunar New Year Promotions

Starting with the Lunar New Year Drawings, by playing your favorite slots or table games on Friday, February 1st and 15th, you can earn entries each drawing day from 6pm-10pm. Drawings will be held at 8PM with 10 winners of $500 EasyPlay®, 9PM with 20 winners of $1,000 EasyPlay, 10PM with 5 winners of $5,000 EasyPlay each drawing day.  Come discover the thrill of possibly winning multiple times!

Pechanga lets players become even luckier with the “Lucky Red Envelope” promotion this February. Club members can visit the Promotion Area on Wednesdays from 1pm-9pm for a chance to win up to $1,000 in Easyplay®.

Lucky Lion Dance Performance on February 2nd

Once again, the “Lucky Lion,” which represent luck and fortune, awakens and begins its opening sequence at 3pm from the north entrance with lighting of the firecrackers and work its way throughout the casino floor, bring luck to all the patrons. Guests will also be given red envelopes to feed to the lion that traditionally represents the blessings of good fortune.

Lunar New Year Decor

The Lunar New Year symbolizes a time for reawakening and to celebrate the season, Pechanga Resort Casino features Year of the Pig décor throughout the property. The decorations include lanterns, bridges, cherry blossoms, inscriptions and much more, and they offer the perfect backdrop for group photos or selfies.

For more information on Pechanga events and promotions, please call (877) 711-2946 or visit our website Pechanga.com. Must be at least 21 years of age to participate in promotions.

Don’t miss out on any of the Lunar New Year festivities and reserve a room now in the new hotel tower, boasting over a thousand ultra-contemporary rooms, corner king and queen suites, and floor to ceiling views. Pechanga is betting 2019 is going to be truly royal with no limits. Come and experience Pechanga Resort Casino On Another Level!

About Pechanga Resort Casino
Pechanga Resort Casino offers one of the largest and most expansive resort/casino experiences anywhere in the United States. Named the Number One casino in America by readers of USA TODAY and rated a Four Diamond property by AAA since 2002, Pechanga Resort Casino provides an unparalleled getaway. Offering more than 4,600 of the hottest slots, table games, world-class entertainment, 1,090 hotel rooms, dining, spa and championship golf at Journey at Pechanga, Pechanga Resort Casino features a destination that meets and exceeds the needs of its guests and the community. Pechanga Resort Casino is owned and operated by the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians. For more information, call toll free (877) 711-2946 or visit www.Pechanga.com. Follow Pechanga Resort Casino on Facebook and on Twitter @PechangaCasino.

Guests must be 21 and older to enter the casino.

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