STOCKTON, Calif. — A ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held to celebrate the installation of a high-visibility crosswalk on California Street at Vine Street on Thursday, October 24, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. The Mayor’s Roundtable on the ADA (Americans with Disabilities) advocated for the mid-block crossing to facilitate the safety of pedestrians accessing nearby medical buildings. The ceremony will be held during their regularly scheduled meeting, which will take place at California and Vine Streets.
“The Mayor’s Roundtable on the ADA has been instrumental in advising my office on matters affecting the ADA community,” shared Mayor Kevin Lincoln. “This crosswalk is an excellent example of how civic engagement brings tangible results for our residents. The Roundtable’s ongoing advocacy for this high visibility crosswalk has directly impacted pedestrian safety and will continue to improve the quality of life for our residents for years to come.”
The crosswalk has been included as an enhancement to the California Road Diet Project. The crossing includes highly visible markings of bold yellow stripes, a flashing beacon, new ramps for accessibility, and audible information, including location, when the button is pushed to enable the signal for the person crossing.
The Roundtable assisted with building awareness of and identifying the needs of community members who are frequently pedestrians in the area. The crosswalk features, bike lanes, and other pedestrian and bicycle safety features are currently being completed along the California Street corridor to improve for all modes of transportation, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles.
For details, please visit or call (209) 937-8827.
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