UPDATE: Potential PSPS on Monday, Jan 20 in Kern County

PG&E began proactively shutting off power for safety to about 600 customers in Kern County as part of a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) around 1 p.m. on Monday (Jan. 20).

An offshore wind event entered the southern parts of our service area this morning. Gusty wind conditions in higher elevations are expected to continue in the impacted areas through Tuesday afternoon.

PG&E began sending advanced notifications to impacted customers on Saturday (Jan. 18). The duration and extent of power outages will depend on the weather in each area, and not all customers may be affected for the entire period.

As of 8 a.m. this morning, PG&E has opened a Community Resource Center to support customers. Located at the Lebec Post Office (2132 Lebec Road), this outdoor center is tented and heated. Customers can stop by to use Wi-Fi and a restroom. Bottled water, device charging, snacks and other items will be available. The center will stay open until 10 p.m.

To learn more on PSPS, please visitwww.pge.com/pspsupdates.

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