This Labor Day Let’s Work to Keep Our Roads Safe and Clean

Follow these tips from Caltrans and the California Office of Traffic Safety to keep our communities litter-free this Labor Day Weekend

By Caltrans Director Tony Tavares

Litter and debris on our roadways cause motorists to swerve or brake suddenly to avoid these obstacles, increasing the risk of serious crashes or other traffic incidents. Refuse tossed from vehicles can also harm local wildlife that might consume garbage or become tangled in the harmful trash.  That’s why the Caltrans Clean California Initiative, in partnership with the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), is providing Californians with the following travel tips to keep our roads clean and safe this Labor Day weekend:

  • Keep a Litter Bag in Your Vehicle: Choose to be a “litter bagger” and not a “litter bug” by designating a bag for trash in your car and properly disposing of its contents at your final destination. This reduces distracting litter on the road and keeps your car and our natural environment cleaner. You can also reuse the bag for future trips.
  • Secure Your Load and Keep a Safe Following Distance: If you’re transporting items in a truck bed – such as a cooler, chairs, or luggage – make sure they are tied down and securely fastened to prevent them from falling onto the road. Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you to allow ample time to stop safely if you need to move or brake suddenly. 
  • Recycle: Separate recyclables from the trash in your car and dispose of them in appropriate recycling bins at your destination, a rest area, or when you arrive back home. 
  • Don’t Throw Cigarette Butts Out the Window: Hot and dry conditions in the summer put California at high risk for wildfires. Cigarette butts only exacerbate fire hazards, as they can ignite and fuel the spread of wildfires. Do your part by properly disposing of all butts into appropriate trash receptacles.

  • Report Illegal Dumping: If you see someone dumping or disposing of waste on public or private property, include relevant roadway details and report the crime to local authorities. Violators can be fined up to $10,000. If you are driving, park at a safe location and then report the violation, or have a passenger place the call. 

Let’s keep our community clean this Labor Day weekend! Remember, Zero Litter is the Goal! For more information on how to stay safe and litter-free on the go, visit and

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