PG&E Food Bank Support and Transportation Services Fact Sheets

For your safety, we may need to turn the power off to help prevent wildfires when the risk is high. This is a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS). We understand that food loss is challenging during an extended power outage. That is why we partner with local food banks to provide food replacement during and after a PSPS. To find a food bank near you, please see the below table* or visit

Alameda County Community Food BankAlamedaaccfb.org510-635-3663
Amador Tuolumne Community Action
Agency (ATCAA) Food Bank**
Central California Food BankFresno, Kings, Madera & Tulareccfoodbank.org559-237-3663
Clear Lake
Community Action Agency of Butte County-North State Food BankButte, Calaveras, Colusa, Glenn, Kern, Plumas, Sierra and Tehamabuttecaa.com530-712-2600
Community Action of Napa Valley
Food Bank
Community Food Bank of San BenitoSan Benitocommunityfoodbankofsbc.org707-253-6100
Dignity Health Connected
Food Bank for Monterey County**Montereyfoodbankformontereycounty.org831-758-1523
Food Bank of Contra Costa and SolanoContra Costa and Solanofoodbankccs.org855-309-3663
Food Bank of El Dorado CountyAlpine and El Doradofoodbankedc.org530-621-9950
Food Bank of Nevada CountyNevadafoodbankofnc.org530-272-3796
Food for PeopleHumboldtfoodforpeople.org707-445-3166
Interfaith Food Bank of Amador
Kings Community Action OrganizationKingskcao.org559-582-4386
Merced County Food BankMariposa and Mercedmmcfb.org209-726-3663
Placer Food BankEl Dorado, Nevada and Placerplacerfoodbank.org916-783-0481
Redwood Empire Food BankDel Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino and Sonomarefb.org707-523-7900
Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz CountySanta Cruzthefoodbank.org831-662-0991
Second Harvest of the Greater ValleySan Joaquin and Stanislauslocalfoodbank.org209-239-2091
Second Harvest of Silicon Valley**Santa Clara and San Mateoshfb.org800-984-3663
San Francisco Marin Food BankMarin and San
The Resource Connection**Calaverastrcac.org209-754-2000
Yolo Food BankYolo yolofoodbank.org530-668-0690
Yuba-Sutter Food BankSutter and Yubafeedingys.org530-673-3834
*The listed food banks are subject to change
** Income restrictions apply

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